General Notices

Call for Papers | A User’s Guide to Decolonising Behavioural Science

Posted Tuesday, April 2, 2024

To address our region’s potentially unique perspective on decolonising the social sciences, the  Caribbean Journal of Psychology invites submissions for a special issue titled: "A User’s Guide to Decolonising Behavioural Science: Lessons from Latin American and Caribbean Postcolonial Regions." The UWI Press welcomes perspectives from various academic and non-academic disciplines, including but not limited to psychology, social work, criminology, gender studies, public health, medicine and healing, anthropology, and neuroscience. 

This special issue seeks to address the historical, cultural, ethical, and methodological challenges inherent in the field of behavioural science, emphasising the unique perspectives and contributions of scholars and practitioners from the LAC and other postcolonial regions. We encourage submissions that:

- Integrate Local Knowledge and Practices: Explore how indigenous knowledge and cultural practices from the LAC and other postcolonial regions can inform and enrich behavioural science theories, research,  and interventions.

- Showcase Diverse Methodologies: Highlight innovative research methodologies, including indigenous and culturally sensitive approaches, that challenge traditional paradigms in behavioural science.

- Contrast Traditional vs. Decolonised Research/Practice: Examine and contrast 'traditional' approaches with 'decolonised' research or practice, offering specific guidance on guiding principles that promote inclusivity and cultural sensitivity.

- Interrogate Power Dynamics: Investigate power imbalances in the production and dissemination of knowledge within the field, aiming to dismantle colonial structures that perpetuate inequity, inequality, and exclusion.

- Propose Practical Strategies for Decolonisation: Offer tangible strategies and recommendations for decolonising     behavioural science, fostering inclusivity, and promoting collaboration between scholars from diverse backgrounds. 

Submission Guidelines:

Authors are invited to submit original research articles, reviews, and theoretical papers that align with the theme of the special issue. Manuscripts should be prepared according to the journal's guidelines, click here.

Recognising that not all authors will have experience submitting journal articles, the editors will offer one or more virtual support and brainstorming sessions in late spring. For more information please email

Important Dates:

- Submission Deadline: August 31, 2024

- Notification of Acceptance: October 31, 2024

- Target Publication Date: December 2024

To see the journal information page, click here.