Campus Bulletins

Introducing the Campus Parking Committee

Posted Monday, June 17, 2024

As indicated by the Campus Principal, a dedicated Campus Parking Committee was established to address the challenge of inadequate campus parking, as a pivotal step in ensuring that the Campus develops effective, sustainable solutions to improve parking. The members of this advisory committee are as follows:

-       Dr. Anne-Marie Pouchet, Chair

-       Mr. Suresh Maharaj, Director of DFM

-       Mr. Noel Corbett, Director of Security

-       Dr. Lee Leon, Lecturer, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

-       Mr. Rajesh Kandhai, Director OHSE 

Be assured that the Committee is already hard at work, and is dedicated to finding the best solutions through our collaborative efforts and your valuable feedback. Keep an eye out for an upcoming survey from the Committee, where we will eagerly welcome your comments and recommendations. Furthermore, your insights will allow us to propose meaningful changes that truly serve the best interests of all.

Admittedly, ensuring there’s adequate parking on campus has been a persistent challenge that cannot be resolved overnight as it requires thoughtful and comprehensive solutions. So, while the Committee works diligently to put forth recommendations to address this issue, we kindly ask for your patience and understanding.

The Committee firmly believes that with the active collaboration and input of all stakeholders, we can improve our campus parking situation over time.

On behalf of the committee, thank you for your cooperation and support as we work together to enhance the campus experience for everyone.