General Notices

Register for the AI and the English Classroom Workshop

Posted Tuesday, June 18, 2024

The Department of Modern Language and Linguistics of Faculty of Humanities and Education, UWI St. Augustine presents the AI and the English Classroom workshop.

At these sessions, attendees can expect to learn how to ethically and effectively integrate Open Access AI technology into teaching practices and will provide educators with the prompt engineering skills to develop schemes of work faster and easier; create teaching and learning resources tailored to CSEC & CAPE topics; understand how identify and detect the use AI for assignments, SBAs and IAs, and enhance clinical supervision for English teachers and Heads of Department.

Facilitated by PhD candidate, Ms. Amanda Zilla, these sessions will occur on July 10 – 11 (in person at the Faculty of Humanities and Education) and August 13 -14 (virtual) from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.

This workshop costs TT$200, and attendees are asked to bring or login from a laptop or tablet to ensure activity participation.

Click here to register for the in-person workshop.

Click here to register for the virtual workshop.