Staff Notices

CETL's Virtual Workshop: Teaching in the Online Environment

Posted Wednesday, June 26, 2024

On Wednesday, August 28, 2024, from 1:30 3:30 p.m., the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning is hosting an online webinar entitled “Teaching in the Online Environment”. Hosted by faculty development specialist, Dr. Justin Zephyrine, this webinar will orient participants to technology-mediated tips and strategies for engagement while teaching in online environment. These technology features and instructional strategies can be applied to different platforms such as Zoom and myelearning, and seek to enhance the teaching and learning experience by improving students’ active participation and facilitate high-level engagement.

By the end of the session, participants will be able to describe their online/blended teaching and learning contexts, identify instructional strategies for teaching in the online environment, create activities for student engagement in the online environment and use technology for student engagement. 

Topics include:

-      Understanding Your Teaching Context

-      A Learner Analysis

-      Levels of Engagement and Learner-Centred Teaching

-      Instructional Strategies for Online Learning

-      Engagement in myelearning and Zoom

-      Tips for Teaching in the Online Environment

To register, click here