Student Notices

Postgraduate Students: Apply to Be An Invigilator for Semester I 2024-2025

Posted Monday, November 11, 2024

Members of Academic Staff (Professors, Senior Lecturers, Lecturers) and registered postgraduate students who are interested in assisting with invigilation for the Semester I 2024/2025 Examinations Session are invited to complete the online application form by clicking here.

The examination period will extend from December 02 to December 20 and all examinations will commence at the following times:

-          Morning: 9 a.m.

-          Afternoon: 1 p.m. & 4 p.m.

The rates of payment are as follows:

Chief Invigilator   

-          $190/$250/$315/$385/$460 per 2-hour session

-          $230/$300/$380/$470/$570 per 3-hour session


-          $150.00 per 2-hour session

-          $180.00 per 3-hour session

New invigilators will be required to complete an online assessment as part of the selection process.

All invigilation staff are required to attend a briefing session on November 28, 2024, before receiving their schedule.