Student Notices

CAP and PCA - Mind your Self Student Lunchtime Workshops

Posted Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and the Peer Counselling Association (PCA) are hosting a series of lunchtime workshops for students at the Centre for Language Learning throughout October and November.

To view a printable version of this information, please click here.

You are invited to MIND your SELF - a series of lunchtime workshops on exploring WHO you are, and how your self concept helps shape your feelings, behaviors, and your relationships with others.  

Workshops will focus on Understanding your Self Concept; the Practice of Mindfulness; how Self Esteem shapes our relationships; and Self Development.

Workshops will run at Centre for Language Learning (CLL) on Thursdays from noon to 1.30pm.

October 1:                        Me, Myself and I: the power of self awareness

October 15:                      Mind full? Or Mindful?:  the practice of mindfulness

October 29:                      Love me, Love me not: self esteem at the core of things

November 12:                    The ME in WE: how our self concept shapes our relationships

November 26:                    Me…. only better: Self development

For more information, please contact:

Dr Sarah Chin Yuen Kee

Student Counsellor Health Service Unit


Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002 ext.83584

Also visit the CAPS website: