Posted Tuesday, October 13, 2015
The Faculty of Food and Agriculture present World Food Day Exhibition Week 2015 under the theme Protection and agriculture: Breaking the Cycle of Rural Poverty.
There will be a host of activities from October 13 to 16 including an Exhibition, Cook-Out, Town Hall and more.
Note the FFA’s Candlelight Vigil on October 16 at 5.30pm outside UWI Administration Building.
See the full schedule below.
For more info please contact FFA Dean’s Office, Sally Ann Henry via email or call 662-2002 ext.82318, 83322.
For a printable version of this information, please click here.
Tuesday 13th October 2015
10am: Launch of the Faculty of Food and Agriculture World Food Day Exhibition: FFA Foyer
Booth displays by Stakeholders & Student Societies of the FFA
UWI Student Association for Nutrition and Dietetics – Demonstration of “Eating Healthy on the Go”: FFA Greens
Displays: FFA Greens Agricultural Development Bank: Careers in Agriculture
Food and Agricultural Organization, IICA
UWI Agribusiness Society: Fruit Sale and more
UWI Agricultural Society: Live Animal Zoo
UWI Geography Society: Edible map of Campus
UWI Student Association for Nutrition and Dietetics
Wednesday 14th October 2015
10am- 4pm
Displays: FFA Greens
UWI Agribusiness Society: Aquaponics display
UWI Agricultural Society: Live Animal Zoo
UWI Geography Society: Know you country
UWI Student Association for Nutrition and Dietetics: BMI testing
Thursday 15th October 2015
12 - 4pm
Cook out among Student Societies: FFA Greens
5.30- 7pm
Food Park planting: Halls of Residence Campus
Friday 16th October 2015
Planting of Tree: FFA Grounds
Town Hall meeting: Tentative JFK Quad
5.30 - 7pm
Candle Light Vigil: Old Admin Building