For Release Upon Receipt - May 8, 2008
St. Augustine
The Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business (GSB) has joined its strength to Florida International University (FIU) to introduce a dual degree business programme. The programme will be run by GSB, in collaboration with the Chapman Graduate School of Business at FIU. Students can enrol for the dual degree programme from September 2008.
The two Schools recently signed a reciprocal agreement permitting their graduate business students to do part of their studies at each other’s campuses towards obtaining accredited degrees from both institutions. As a result, the business schools now recognise credits earned by students at both institutions and provide an integrated structure so that students can seamlessly transition and acquire a second degree. This initiative reflects the strong emphasis of the Lok Jack GSB on internationalising the student experience and increasing business relevance.
“By living and studying in a different country, students become immersed in its culture, are more deeply exposed to international business and develop the mindset required for operating in a global environment,” said Dr. Rolph Balgobin, outgoing Executive Director of Lok Jack GSB.
By earning two complementary degrees in two different locales, students of the dual degree programme gain access to two networks of business contacts and colleagues and exposure to two sets of potential employers. In this sense, the dual degree programme is faster and less expensive than pursuing two separate degrees sequentially. In addition, like conventional exchange programmes, the new programme allows students to tailor their educational experience to their specific career objectives.
To qualify for the dual degree, students must complete their core courses and workshops at their home university, then transfer to the graduate business programme of the foreign university. The agreement also gives participants the opportunity to perform an Optional Practical Training Internship at a US corporation for one year following the conclusion of the academic curriculum.
At the end of their studies, such students are awarded Lok Jack GSB’s IMBA degree (accredited by the Association of MBAs) and FIU’s Masters of International Business degree (accredited by the International Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business). Alternatively, qualifying students may enrol in FIU’s International MBA programme and attend a special customized summer programme at Lok Jack GSB. In this instance, students would receive a certificate of participation from the Lok Jack GSB and an IMBA degree from FIU.
For further information, contact the Arthur Lok Jack GSB Communications Unit at 662-9894 Ext. 154.