News Releases

Six Valedictorians named for The UWI’s 2014 Graduation Ceremonies

For Release Upon Receipt - October 14, 2014

St. Augustine

ST. AUGUSTINE, Trinidad and Tobago – As is customary, The University of the West Indies (UWI) St. Augustine has named six Valedictorians for its 2014 Graduation ceremonies, carded for October 22, 24 and 25 at the Sport and Physical Education Centre. The awardees are:

Mr. Ethan Wyke – BSc Major in Biology and Physics –  First Class Honours – Faculty of Science and Technology

Mr. David Edmund – Bachelor of Laws – First Class Honours – Faculty of Law

Ms. Kamaira Gopaul – BSc Social Work (Special); Minor in Social Policy – First Class Honours – Faculty of Social Sciences

Ms. Seema Ramsarran – BSc Major in Sociology; Minor in Psychology, Minor in International Relations – First Class Honours – Faculty of Social Sciences

Ms. Nickysha Jogee – BEd Primary (General) – First Class Honours – Faculty of Humanities and Education

Dr. Lennon Johnson – Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) – Faculty of Medical Sciences

Valedictorians are selected via a nomination process at the Faculty level. Nominees are then interviewed by a selection panel before a final decision is made. Each Valedictorian will give an address on behalf of the graduating class of each ceremony.

University Chancellor Sir George Alleyne will preside over the 2014 presentation of graduands as follows:

Wednesday October 22nd: 10.00am- Faculties of Science and Technology and Food and Agriculture; and 4.00pm- Faculties of Engineering and Law.

Friday October 24th 2014: 10.00am- Faculty of Social Sciences (Surnames A – L) Undergraduate Graduands and the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business (Surnames A – Z); and 4.00pm- Faculty of Social Sciences (Surnames M – Z) Undergraduate Graduands and all Postgraduate Graduands From The Departments Of Management Studies, Economics, Behavioural Sciences, Institute Of International Relations, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute Of Social & Economics Studies & Institute Of Gender & Development (Studies Surnames A-Z).

Saturday October 25th 2014: 10.00am- Faculty of Humanities and Education; and 4.00pm- Faculty of Medical Sciences

For further information, please log onto



About The UWI

Since its inception in 1948, The University of the West Indies (UWI) has evolved from a fledgling college in Jamaica with 33 students to a full-fledged, regional University with well over 40,000 students. Today, UWI is the largest, most longstanding higher education provider in the Commonwealth Caribbean, with four campuses in Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Open Campus. The UWI has faculty and students from more than 40 countries and collaborative links with 160 universities globally; it offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree options in Food & Agriculture, Engineering, Humanities & Education, Law, Medical Sciences, Science and Technology and Social Sciences. UWI’s seven priority focal areas are linked closely to the priorities identified by CARICOM and take into account such over-arching areas of concern to the region as environmental issues, health and wellness, gender equity and the critical importance of innovation. Website:


(Please note that the proper name of the university is The University of the West Indies, inclusive of the “The”, hence The UWI.)


