News Releases

UWI and Lake Asphalt to collaborate on research and innovation

For Release Upon Receipt - October 1, 2015

St. Augustine

On Friday, September 25, The University of the West Indies (UWI) St. Augustine and Lake Asphalt Trinidad and Tobago (1978) Limited signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to collaborate on research, development and commercialization relating to asphalt and asphalt-based products such as sealants, paints, adhesives, waterproofing and damp-proofing formulations, and marine coatings. Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal of The UWI St. Augustine, Professor Clement Sankat and Chief Executive Officer of Lake Asphalt of Trinidad and Tobago Ltd., Mr. Leary Hosein were the signatories of the MOU on behalf of their respective organizations.

The UWI St. Augustine sees research and innovation as one of the key areas in which it can make a positive impact, especially for national and regional governments and the international community. Furthermore, as part of The UWI’s 2012-2017 Strategic Plan, the university has acknowledged the need to strengthen support systems to foster cutting edge research and innovative outputs from faculty and postgraduate students, and to refocus on commercialization of cutting edge research to provide an additional revenue stream and improve the visibility of research on the campus.


About The UWI

Since its inception in 1948, The University of the West Indies (UWI) has evolved from a fledgling college in Jamaica with 33 students to a full-fledged, regional University with well over 40,000 students. Today, UWI is the largest, most longstanding higher education provider in the Commonwealth Caribbean, with four campuses in Barbados, Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago, and the Open Campus. The UWI has faculty and students from more than 40 countries and collaborative links with 160 universities globally; it offers undergraduate and postgraduate degree options in Food & Agriculture, Engineering, Humanities & Education, Law, Medical Sciences, Science and Technology and Social Sciences. UWI’s seven priority focal areas are linked closely to the priorities identified by CARICOM and take into account such over-arching areas of concern to the region as environmental issues, health and wellness, gender equity and the critical importance of innovation. Website:

(Please note that the proper name of the university is The University of the West Indies, inclusive of the “The”, hence The UWI.) 
