For Release Upon Receipt - October 8, 2008
St. Augustine
The University of the West Indies (UWI) St. Augustine Campus Main Library recently launched the Digital Library Services Centre on Tuesday 23rd September, 2008. Chaired by Mr. Frank Soodeen, the Head of the Digital Library Services Centre (DLSC) the ceremony was being held to both launch the Digital Library Services Centre and to express gratitude to Mrs. Irma E. Goldstraw for the donation of TT$100,000 that she had contributed to make the DLSC a reality at the Campus Libraries.
The Deputy Principal, Professor Rhoda Reddock thanked Mrs. Irma Goldstraw on behalf of the University of the West Indies for her valuable donation of TT$100,000 and also spoke briefly on the importance of organizing, preserving and making accessible our unique digitized Caribbean resources. This collection is the first collection to ever be digitized through this generous donation made by Mrs. Goldstraw. Mrs. Goldstraw was presented with an album containing 100 images from the Michael Goldberg Collection which is a collection of 5,000 postcards from 1872-1995.
Campus and University Librarian Professor Margaret Rouse-Jones was the first speaker, and she welcomed the guests and gave an illuminating account of Mrs. Goldstraw’s contribution as a Librarian during her 20 years of service to the Main Library. In remarks made by Mrs. Goldstraw, she gave a personal account of her development as a librarian and how she has always been committed to collecting information materials and organizing them for access. She also stressed that the financial contribution that she had made to the Library was also to honour the memory of her late husband, Mr. Laurie Goldstraw. Campus Librarian Designate, Open Campus Mrs. Karen Lequay, spoke about the significance of the Digital Library Services Centre in supporting the research of the Campus by capturing, organizing and preserving the intellectual output of the University. Peter Quentrell-Thomas, friend and advisor to Irma Goldstraw; retired librarians, Diane Clarke and Sherma Quamina Wong-Kang and former Campus Librarian, Dr. Alma Jordan were all on hand to witness the launch and Campus Librarian Designate, Campus Libraries, Ms. Jennifer Joseph offered the vote of thanks.
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