Events Releases

Freedom Road Public Lecture Series – Emancipation in Trinidad

For Release Upon Receipt - July 30, 2007

St. Augustine

The University of the West Indies (UWI), St Augustine Campus, Department of History continues their Freedom Road Public Lecture series with a lecture on Emancipation in Trinidad at the Art Gallery of the National Museum on Friday 3rd August from 7:00 p.m. This lecture, which commemorates the Bicentenary of the Abolition of the Trans Atlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans, is free and open to the public. Professor Bridget Brereton will lead the discussion. 

The Freedom Road Public Lecture Series provides an opportunity for all to discuss such important themes as: The Meaning of Freedom, The Atlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans, The Abolition Act, Emancipation and Culture, Education and Emancipation, Emancipation in Trinidad and Tobago. The series ends in August 2007 with reflections on how these commemorative events have tangible and relevant connections in our contemporary society. 

Local contributors include Doctors John F. Campbell, Claudius Fergus, Michael Toussaint, Gelien Matthews, Rita Pemberton, Sandra Gift and Heather Cateau. Foreign participants include Professors James Millette and Selwyn Carrington, Doctors Fitzroy Baptiste and Richard Goodridge. 



  • Dr Heather Cateau

  • Faculty/Department

    Faculty of Social Sciences

  • Tel.: 662 2002 Ext. 3058.
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