News Releases

School of Veterinary Medicine Open House 2009

For Release Upon Receipt - November 4, 2009

St. Augustine

The School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences, UWI, will be hosting its 2009 Open House from November 12th - 13th. It will take place at the School in the Eric Williams Medical Sciences Complex, Mount Hope, from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. for secondary school (CAPE and Form 4) students and from 1 p.m. - 6 p.m. for the general public.  

Attractions:    Guided tours of the Veterinary School/Facilities, Veterinary Exhibits, Demonstrations – Dog training etc., Animal Displays, Petting Zoo,Wild life Animal Welfare, Horseback Rides, Various Booths, Door Prizes, Much more.......Admission is free. To find out more, please call 1-868-662-9341, 1-868-645-4481 or 1-868-645-2640 (Extensions: 4242, 4211, 4250)


  • The School of Veterinary Medicine

  • Tel.: 868-645-4481
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