News Releases

Relics needed for 50th anniversary exhibit

For Release Upon Receipt - May 20, 2010

St. Augustine


To mark the 50th anniversary of our campus, The Main Library will host an exhibition of UWI St. Augustine memorabilia from 4th-15th October, 2010, and is seeking your assistance in identifying items that may be suitable for display. The items you wish to offer should comfortably fit in display cases of the following dimensions: 12” high x 44” wide x 22” deep and 18” high x 44” wide x 22” deep. Larger items may be suggested but these must be of extremely high heritage value and may be put on open display. Objects that can be considered are plaques, signs, machinery and equipment, etc.  

Kindly send your suggestions, not the actual items, to Dr. Glenroy Taitt at the Main Library by May 28th.  

The exhibition will comprise the following elements: a display of memorabilia, a display of paintings, a film segment and a historical overview of the campus with text and photographs. 

For further information, please call ext. 3361 or 4029.


  • The Main Library

  • Tel.: (868) 662 2002 Ext. 3361, 4029
  • Email: