News Releases

Dementia in Trinidad and Tobago

For Release Upon Receipt - September 28, 2011

St. Augustine

The Health Economics Unit (HEU), Centre for Health Economics at The UWI, collaborates with the Dementia Awareness and Research Group in Trinidad and Tobago, to host a seminar entitled “Dementia in Trinidad and Tobago,” on Thursday 29th September, 2011, at 2 pm, at the HEU Auditorium, 25 A Warner Street, St. Augustine.

Presentations will be made by Professor Amanda McRae, Dr. Gershwin Davis and Dr. Nelleen Baboolal.

To confirm your attendance and find out more, please contact Ms. Keren Wilson at 662-2002 Ext. 84115 or 83050,  662-9459, 645-7351 or via e-mail at
