January 2010

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Talking about revolution

The Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business recently hosted their 2009 Essay Competition offering two scholarships as prizes. At the presentation ceremony Professor Miguel Carrillo, Executive Director of the Lok Jack GSB, said the competition is an example of the School’s commitment to attract, educate and develop the very best students in Trinidad and Tobago and the wider Caribbean region.

Applicants submitted essays on the topic “What strategies can a Caribbean leader use to become innovative?” Semone Moore of St. James and Avinash Maharajh won the scholarships to the IMBA programme at the School. Both expressed their gratitude and pledged their commitment to working with the School to develop and promote a national innovation system.

In her essay, Semone pointed out that “A cultural revolution is needed among regional leaders. Shedding the traditional dependence on the bureaucratic organizational structure and its associated organizational culture as well as transcending misoneism through new paradigms, methods and technology is a necessary watershed. Such changes must be embraced in order to precipitate the transformation in culture that will cultivate innovation.”

Avinash wrote: “The enhancement and diversification of their educational backgrounds, the utilization and refinement of their technological savvy and intra-disciplinary as well as inter-disciplinary knowledge sharing are just a few of the methodologies that can be employed to foster the growth of an innovative leader.”