May 2012

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Our Place in the Region

The Open Lectures Committee at The UWI, St. Augustine hosted the second panel discussion in commemoration of the country’s 50th Independence Anniversary, titled “Trinidad and Tobago: Our Place in the Region”.

It was chaired by Sir Shridath Ramphal (at podium) at the Naparima Bowl, San Fernando, with Ambassador Paulo Sergio Traballi Bozzi of the Brazilian Embassy, Mr. Arthur Lok Jack, Dr. Michelle Reis and Professor Hollis Liverpool as panellists.

Sir Shridath, a former Chancellor of The UWI, said the collapse of the West Indian Federation was a catalyst for the independence movement. “After the tumble of the Federation, the region did not become an outcast widow, but the handmaid of Independence,” he said. “After the collapse, the region remained because it was not the end of regionality but of federalism.”