UWI Today May 2017 - page 20

– SUNDAY 14 MAY, 2017
The DSSD looks after students as its first priority, but there are
many other support services available:
Division of Student Services and Development
Dr. Deirdre Charles
Director, Student Services and Development
662-2002 ext. 82096, 82097, 82099
Student Development
Dr. Jacqueline Huggins
Manager, Student Life and Development
662-2002 ext 83866, 83921, 83923
Financial Assistance
Mr. Chandar Gupta Supersad
Manager, Financial Advisory Services
662-2002 ext. 82360, 82100, 84185
Housing (On & Off Campus)
Mr. Kevin Snaggs
Manager, Accommodation Office
662-2002 ext. 82387, 82368, 82256
Career Advice
Ms. Kathy-Ann Lewis
Manager, Careers, Co-curricular
& Community Engagement
662-2002 ext. 84187, 82098, 82322
Health Services
Dr. Neil Singh
Head, Health Services Unit
662-2002 ext 82149, 82152
Dr. Sarah Chin Yuen Kee
Manager, Counselling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
662-2002 ext. 82491
Campus Security Services Hotline: 662-4123
For further information
on any student services please
visit: Division of Student Services and Development (DSSD) -
Student Administration Building (Lloyd Braithwaite Building)
Walking the Walk
“LOVE Walk: Talk to meh.”
This was the way the Division of Student
Services and Development (DSSD), headed by Dr. Deirdre Charles,
wanted to emphasize to staff and students that The UWI St. Augustine
is more than a university campus – it is a community.
So on April 13, many members of this community locked arms
figuratively and with their handmade posters like compassionate parasols
under the blazing midday sun, spread the word that no one has to suffer
The Campus Principal, Professor Brian Copeland; Deputy Principal,
Professor Rhoda Reddock; Director of Student Services andDevelopment,
Dr. Deirdre Charles; Director of Marketing and Communications, Dr.
Dawn-Marie De Four-Gill; and Guild of Students President, Jonathan
Nahous joined the walkers to share the love.
The Mixed Methods
International Research Association,
MMIRA, was founded to advance discussions and
understanding of mixed methods. Its role is to engage the
international community in advancing knowledge, ideas,
and practices related to mixing methods. Mixing methods
embracing multiple ways of knowing and celebrating
differences in approaches. The MMIRA has sought to
promote discussion among diverse global communities
about understandings regarding complex problems in
health, education and social sciences. Ultimately, it seeks to
encourage discussion of concerns related tomethodological
dilemmas arising from mixing methods with diverse
axiologies and epistemologies.
With leadership and support fromrenowned researches
and authors such as Professors John Creswell, Burke
Launch of the Caribbean chapter of the
MixedMethods International Research Association
Vimala Judy Kamalodeen is a Founding member of the, Mixed Methods International Research Association Caribbean Chapter.
Johnson, and Tony Onwuegbuzie, The UWI hasthe
University of theWest Indies launched a Caribbean chapter.
Here, concerns and indigenous knowledge to the Caribbean
context can be explored more fully and will build capacity
in methods among the regional academic community. Led
by the indefatigable Dr. Loraine Cook, School of Education,
Mona, and championed by the visionary Laila Boiselle,
School of Education, St. Augustine; this chapter is set to
bring closer the four campuses of the UWI. Founding
members and affiliates are from theMona, Cave Hill, and St.
Augustine campuses, as well as St. Lucia, Belize and Guyana.
Mixed methods involve the judicious mixing of
quantitative and qualitative paradigms to better answer
research problems. The School of Education, St. Augustine
is leading mixed methods research at the campus through a
RDI funded STEM project. This project focuses on the use
of games in Mathematics and Science at selected primary
schools. An embedded concurrent intervention design
incorporating quantitative and qualitative elements has been
adopted and has already revealed positive results in terms
of student achievement data. Observations of classrooms,
videos, photos, and teacher interviews and perception
questionnaires add richness to the data collected and allows
for meaningful data interpretation.
It is our hope that academic researchers avail themselves
of the wonderful opportunity to join the Chapter as we
seek to build a mixed methods research community of
practitioners throughout the Caribbean.
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