UWI Today October 2014 - page 5

CelPlan Technologies, Inc. (CelPlan)
and The UWI St.
Augustine Campus have renewed an Academic Programme
Courseware Licence Agreement by which CelPlan provides
training materials on radio communications and Radio-
Frequency (RF)-based systems, standards and technologies
to The UWI.
Additionally, CelPlan has provided UWI licence-
free use of
, their flag-ship, industry-grade
software for planning, designing and optimization of
wireless telecommunication systems, including 4G systems.
Training material and software have been integrated into a
number of academic courses and student projects offered
by the Communication Systems Group in the Department
of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DECE). These
give students in-demand, industry-ready, hands-on skills
and experience in the rapidly advancing field of wireless
communications engineering.
According to Dr Kim Mallalieu, Leader of the
Communication Systems Group, DECE: “This is a
tremendous opportunity for our students to design and
analyse new and emerging wireless communication
networks using industry-grade software; and at the same
time, to explore market modelling, realistic business cases
and a variety of design tasks that are not typically covered
in theoretical courses.”
Following the October 2013
Mediation Agreement
coming out of the Percussive Harmonic Instrument
(PHI) litigation matter with the inventors and the
decision of the parties to transfer the ownership of
the “PHI” patent (more specifically the APHAMS
technology) to The UWI, PHI Innovations Limited
has been established to optimise profits derived from
the licensing of the patent (technology).
PHI Innovations Limited, incorporated in
November 2013, is mandated to optimise profits from
the licensing of the patent (technology), acting in the
interest of the people of Trinidad and Tobago (through
the State andTheUWI) and the inventors. Such profits
are to be equally shared in three parts amongst The
UWI, the inventors and the State. The company is
also mandated to enter into consultancy agreements
with the inventors “to complete the design of the
PHI and to assist in the manufacture and marketing
of the PHI.”
On April 29 2014, an assignment agreement was
signed between the inventors andTheUWI as a step in
the furtherance of the mediation agreement to effect
the transfer of ownership of the patent technology
to The UWI.
On the
Dr Kim Mallalieu, Leader of the
Communication Systems Group,
Department of Electrical and
Computer Engineering (DECE)
“This is a tremendous opportunity for
our students to design and analyse new and
emerging wireless communication networks”
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