UWI Today October 2018 - page 5

The formal launch of the
Caribbean Centre for Health Systems Research and
Development (CCHSRD) on September 14 was a highlight for The Faculty of
Medical Sciences at UWI, St Augustine last month. The Centre aims to strengthen
research and policy development in the important area of public health, and comes
after more than two decades of trying to create such a centre in Trinidad & Tobago.
The new research centre will complement work already being done at other centres
in Mona, Jamaica (The Caribbean Institute for Health Research) and Cave Hill,
Barbados (The George Alleyne Chronic Disease Research Centre).
The Mission of the Centre is to generate and facilitate the use of research
evidence, empowering Caribbean countries to strengthen their health systems
and policy-making processes. This is important because in the past, public health
policies were often not based on research evidence.
Professor Donald Simeon, who will head the Health Systems R&DCentre, said
at the launch that the Centre would help bridge the gap between UWI researchers
and health decision-makers. He said the Centre would prioritize and conduct
research according to an agreed agenda; would have a rapid response service
to provide research evidence to health officials; would host citizens’ forums to
get their inputs in the identification of evidence-based, workable solutions to
address challenging health issues; and would also hold training courses for health
professionals in knowledge management and evidence-based policy development.
Professor Donald Simeon and Professor Terence Seemungal are the two key
visionaries behind the new Trinidad-based Caribbean Centre for Health Systems
Research and Development. Bothmen dreamed of expanding the research capacity
of the Faculty of Medical Sciences and they worked diligently behind the scenes,
consulting with experts in the public and private sectors and doing necessary work
tomake the Centre a reality. Prof Seemungal is Dean of the UWI Faculty of Medical
Sciences and a Professor of Medicine with expertise in lung health and Chronic
Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, and Prof Simeon is a Chartered Statistician and
Public Health Nutritionist with additional expertise in research methodology.
The keynote speech by UWI Chancellor Emeritus Sir George Alleyne was a
highlight of the launch. The venerable retired Professor of Medicine and former
PAHODirector spoke about the grave lack of research in the Caribbean in the area
of public health. Sir Alleyne spoke of the epidemic of chronic non-communicable
diseases (NCDs) in the Caribbean and warned of “serious social consequences”.
He noted: “Mortality from NCDs in the Caribbean is the highest in the Americas,
diabetes prevalence is double the global rates, more than a quarter of all adults are
hypertensive, and obesity and overweight represent a new and growing problem,
especially in children.”
But although in 2007, the CARICOM Heads of Government issued a
Declaration on the prevention and control of NCDs, Sir Alleyne noted that: “many
of the policies that were agreed upon or the systems to support them are not being
implemented, due in many cases to the influence of commercial interests. For
example, in none of the countries has taxation on tobacco products reached the
recommended 75% of sales price and the policies to make public places in the
Caribbean smoke-free as was agreed subsequently, have not been put in place. This
will involve research not so much into the effectiveness of the necessary policies
but the factors that block their adoption.”
For further information about CCHSRD
or call (868) 662 2002 Ext: 85415 / 85486
Participants gather on September 14, 2018 at the Teaching
and Learning Complex in St Augustine for the formal launch ceremony of the Caribbean Centre for Health
Systems Research and Development. From Left: Acting Chief Medical Officer at the Ministry of Health,
Dr Vishwanath Partapsingh; Deputy Principal at The UWI St Augustine, Professor Indar Ramnarine; Dean
of the Faculty of Medical Sciences at The UWI St Augustine, Professor Terence Seemungal; Chancellor
Emeritus Sir George Alleyne; the representative for T&T at PAHO/WHO, Dr Erica Wheeler; Head of the
Caribbean Centre for Health Systems Research and Development (CCHSRD Director Designate), Professor
Donald Simeon; and The UWI St Augustine Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus Principal, Professor Brian
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