April - May 2008

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UWI Calendar of Events : APRIL/MAY
Agritech 2008
National Agricultural Expo
Wednesday 16th –Sunday 20th April, 2008
Agritech 2008 is landmark initiative focused on assisting in the
restructuring and revitalization of the agriculture industry in the
region. At the University Field Station the latest technologies driving
agriculture globally will be presented in a modern farm setting. This
exhibition will focus on several fundamental themes from Crop Farming
Systems to Alternate Agriculture Livelihoods, and Plant & Animal Health.
Primary, secondary and tertiary level students, stakeholders within the
Agricultural Industry as well as the general public are all invited. The
Agricultural Society of Trinidad and Tobago and the Ministry of
Agriculture, Marine & Land Resources are the major sponsors for Agritech
2008. The event is part of the 60th anniversary celebrations of The
University of the West Indies. For further information please
call 662-2002 Ext. 2318.
Wednesday 16th – Friday 18th April, 2008
Get connected at Communication Research Day (17th) where final year
students showcase their research projects; then get answers to those
burning questions at Communication Studies Open Day (18th) at the
Atrium, Centre for Language and Learning (CLL). You can also enjoy the
book drive hosted by the Communication Studies Association, an academic
club associated with the host of Communications Week, the UWI
Communication Studies Section, Faculty of Humanities and Education.
For further information contact:
Ms. Crista Mohammed at ext. 3867.
For information on the Book Drive
please call Ms. Jamilla Bannister at 737-8900.
Milestones in Computer Algebra
Thursday 1st –Saturday 3rd May, 2008
This landmark conference in honour of Keith Geddes’ 60th Birthday, the
co-founder of the Maple computer algebra systems, will take place at
Stonehaven Bay, Tobago. Here’s an opportunity to share ideas and
experience presentations by renowned specialists in the field.
For further information please visit:
HRM: Adding Value or
Adding Complexity?
The Association of Commonwealth Universities HR Network 3rd Biennial
Friday 23rd –Sunday 25th May, 2008
Examine the challenges currently facing University Human Resource
professionals at this upcoming UWI/ ACU conference at the Hilton Hotel,
Tobago. The Conference will examine three key areas: Developing
Leadership and Management capability, Managing Performance, and
Enhancing the Institution.
For further information please contact: Mrs. Deborah Souza-Okpofabri at
Anniversary Celebration
UWI Family Day
Thursday 22nd May, 2008
As part of the 60th Anniversary celebrations, UWI will host a Family Day
on Thursday 22nd May, 2008 from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Sport and
Physical Education Centre (SPEC), St Augustine. Open to all staff, the
Day will be filled with fun activities and special games for the entire
family to enjoy.
For more information please contact the UWI Marketing and
Communications Office at 662-2002 ext 2014.
Archaeology and Geoinformatics: Case Studies from the Caribbean
Friday 2nd May, 2008
Uncover our history through the latest publication by leading UWI
archaeologist, Dr. Basil Reid. The Department of History will host the
launch of “Archaeology and Geoinformatics: Case Studies from the
Caribbean” edited by Dr. Basil A. Reid and published by the University
of Alabama Press, Tuscaloosa, U.S.A. at Lecture Room 2, UWI Learning
Resource Centre.
For further information please visit:
Contact Dr. Basil Reid at
Basil.Reid@sta.uwi.edu or ext. 3306.