August 2011
Parts of the wholeThis past week, from Thursday 25th to Saturday 27th August, 2011, The UWI’s Faculty of Humanities and Education, through its Departments of Liberal Arts and History, paid tribute to three of its retired professors – Ian Robertson, Professor of Linguistics; Bridget Brereton, Professor of History; and Barbara Lalla, Professor of Literature – in the form of a conference. Reassembling the Fragments, was held in recognition of their work and contributions to The University, the country and the region. The conference, held at The UWI’s Centre for Language Learning Auditorium, presented an opportunity for scholars and practitioners in their respective fields to interrogate the body of work compiled by each of the three honorees over their academic careers. The three-day conference included speeches by David Trotman, Associate Professor at York University; Velma Pollard, retired Senior Lecturer at The UWI Mona Campus; and Lise Winer, Professor at McGill University. Serah Acham spoke with the three professors, getting their perspectives on their way in the world and the way of the world.