August 2016

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The closing ceremony of UWI's two-day training on Plant Disease Diagnosis to Agricultural Extension Officers of Trinidad and Tobago took place mid-July.
Parliamentary Secretary in the Ministry of Agriculture, Land & Fisheries, Senator Mr. Avinash Singh addressed the audience and presented certificates to the Agricultural Extension Officers at the Closing Ceremony. Senior Administration staff, Academic staff, Students, Research Scholars of UWI community, Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Land & Fisheries were in attendance.
The two day training on Plant Disease Diagnosis was organised under the auspices of the UWI-TT RDI Fund project entitled, Promoting Agriculturally Important Microorganisms (AIMS) to address the Challenges in Food Safety and Food Security in the Caribbean. The programme consisted of lectures, practicals and discussion on various aspects of disease diagnosis. It explored the techniques in plant disease diagnosis with regard to the identification of crop diseases based on symptoms, causal agents such as fungi, bacteria and viruses, morphology, microscopic and molecular techniques with special emphasis on vegetable diseases.
The training was attended by 25 Agricultural Extension Officers, Field Level Officers and Agronomists representing all counties [St. George County, St. David County, St. Andrew County, County Caroni, Nariva/Mayaro, St. Patrick West, County Victoria, Research Division in Centeno, Extension Training and Information Services] of Trinidad and Tobago.
