December 2015

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Like father like son

On October 23, Norman Sabga, the Chairman and Chief Executive of the ANSA McAL Group of Companies, accepted his Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from The UWI Chancellor, Sir George Alleyne. Seven years ago at the Campus’ 1998 Graduation Ceremonies his father, Anthony N. Sabga, had tipped his cap in the same manner and received the same Honorary Degree. The Sabga duo will go down in history as the first father and son pair to receive Honorary Doctorates from the University.

When asked to describe how his father had inspired him, Norman Sabga repeated the words of wisdom that the elder Sabga has long uttered: “Find a job that you love and you will never have to work a day in your life.” Anthony Sabga, or ‘Dr. Sabga’ as he is called, is responsible for laying the foundation that the ANSA McAL empire stands on today, a foundation that has allowed their businesses and brands to gain international acclaim.

The similarities between the father and son duo don’t only end with their milestone achievements from The UWI, the pair also share similar traits when it comes to business acumen. Sabga has described the decision making style and entrepreneurship culture that he shares with his father. Their shared desire for continuous improvement has become a hallmark of ANSA McAL.

While delivering a special address at the Graduation Ceremony, Sabga shared some inspiring words with those in attendance. The man who is known for his prowess in his industry highlighted three core things, which he encouraged the graduates to keep near and dear in all their pursuits: faith, family and love.

(Shereen Ali)