February 2019

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UWI Chancellor Appoints Comission on Governance
On Friday January 11, 2019 Chancellor of The University of the West Indies (The UWI) Robert Bermudez announced nine distinguished persons from across the region to serve on a Commission on Governance for the regional University. The Commission, which is chaired by former President of the Caribbean Court of Justice, Sir Charles Michael Dennis Byron, includes a multidisciplinary team with expertise in law, people, finance and corporate governance. In presenting instruments of appointment to the commissioners, Chancellor Bermudez grounded the significance of their task in this era of global higher education competitiveness and the commitment of The UWI to continuous improvement in its delivery of service to the Caribbean. He said, “The University has had an illustrious past. This Commission’s work is to ensure that its success and relevance continues into the future.” Chairman of the Commission, Sir Dennis, has articulated an aggressive work-plan for the Commission, which is expected to deliver its final report
by the end of September 2019.
The complete list of persons selected by Chancellor Bermudez to serve on The UWI’s Commission on Governance are as follows:
- Sir Charles Michael Dennis Byron (Chairman)
Former President of the
Caribbean Court of Justice
- Ms Judith Bowen
- Mr Richard Byles
Chairman, Sagicor Group Jamaica
- Ms Angela Hamel-Smith
Human Resources Practitioner
- Professor Emeritus E. Nigel Harris
Former Vice-Chancellor of The UWI
- His Excellency Dr Didacus Jules
Director General
Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States
- Sir Elliott Mottley
- Mr Darrion Narine
Representative of The UWI Intercampus
Guild Council and President, Guild of Students
The UWI St. Augustine
- Mrs Jacqueline Sharp
Director, Coffee Traders Ltd. and President
The UWI Alumni Association, Jamaica Chapter