July 2011

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Total Effort toward a Total Fitness System

By Shabbir R. Mohammed

Great things have happened at the Sport and Physical Education Centre (SPEC) at the Gym for this year. The first half of 2011 has seen a total effort toward a total fitness system being installed at the St Augustine Campus gym by department heads, staff and students under the keen stewardship of senior administrator and SPEC spearhead, Lystra Francis.

Having previously referred to the gym as a “plant,” Supervisor Orlando Griffith has now changed the harsh usage of Max Weber’s bureaucratic ideology of organization processes to a more sleek and strategically streamlined solution to achieve his department’s and organization’s objectives.

“I am pleased with the improvements, but the University would be able to maximize its potential by increasing the space with better quality products for a healthier student population, which increases the student potential to study longer. This will produce smarter, fitter individuals for the world and the country’s benefit,” he says.

The value was strengthened by undergoing several enhancements.

A floor space of approximately 2500 sq ft has had its wooden laminate surface upgraded to an aesthetically resounding high impact metallic blue surface.

A high definition widescreen TV with DVD capability has been installed to deliver fitness programmes and marketability.

The addition to the strength training capability of the ‘Glute-Ham’ machine and squat rack has arrived.

To top off the total system, student assistants of sporting disciplines – academic and competitive – were targeted to gain hands-on experience and the correct attitude for work in a sporting environment.

“It’s an idea I had for a long time because I too did a similar internship and this has helped me function as a better quality trainer today,” says Griffith.

UWI staff, students and alumni are encouraged to seek and enjoy the benefits of such a facility. The gym’s growing database records 1662 patrons for the year 2011 alone.

Registration for students and alumni for the 2010-2012 academic year is now closed.

Members of staff now have the opportunity to capitalize on having all of the facility and its services for the entire of August at the same hours of operation. Registration for all other patrons will restart at the beginning of September 2011 for the 2011-2012 academic year, which will take place each day at the Student Administration Building’s Bursary Department during office hours.

–Shabbir R. Mohammed has a BSc (Hons) in Sport Management (UWI) and is currently working on his MSc in the same area.


Beginning August 6, 2011, the Gym will be open as follows:
SATURDAY: 7am to 2pm
SUNDAY: 7am to noon

Commencing September 5th 2011, the new Gym hours are as follows:
MONDAY TO FRIDAY: 5.30am to 9.30pm
SATURDAY: 7am to 2pm
SUNDAY: 7am to noon