July 2012

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UWI Calendar August - October 2012
Biddeau Drum Symposium
4 August, 2012
Open Campus Auditorium
Gordon Street, St. Augustine
The Department of Creative and Festival Arts (DCFA), collaborates with the Eastern Emancipation Committee and Afro-Caribbean Drummers Association to host the second Biddeau Drum Festival, aimed at recognising the contributions of the Biddeau family to Trinidad and Tobago's culture. A part of this festival is a Drum Symposium. Themed ‘Honouring our Ancestors’, this symposium will comprise papers and presentations on the drum and its significance in Africa and the African diaspora.
For further information, please contact the DCFA at 663-2141/645-1955 or email Marissa.Brooks@sta.uwi.edu.
Discovery Camp 2012
6-18 August, 2012
Senior Common Room
UWI St. Augustine Campus
The Department of Creative and Festival Arts (DCFA), through its Applied Creative Arts programme: Arts-in-Action, hosts its annual Discovery Camp for children from ages five to 12. This year, the camp will follow the theme ‘Hearts of Gold’ in commemoration of Trinidad and Tobago’s 50th anniversary of independence and the DCFA’s 25th anniversary. Campers will engage in a fun and educational arts-based process, using the disciplines of art, dance, drama and music as learning and developmental tools.
For further information please call 332-4AiA (4242), 789-7127, or 378-5759; or e-mail discoverycamp@artsinaction.org or email@artsinaction.org.
First Year Experience 2012
13 August 2012-14 March 2013
- Meet & Greet
(Airport greeting for all non-nationals both regional/international) 13th-24th August
- Campus Tours
(Faculty tours for all new first-year students) 20th-30th August
- Check-In
(Orientation event for all non-nationals both regional/international) 25th-26th August
- Welcome Home
(Halls of Residence orientation events) 27th-29th August & 13th & 15th September
- Know Your Faculty
27th-29th August & 3rd-8th September
- UWI Life
(UWI Administration orientation events)
UWI Life Support: 29th August
UWI Life Student & Information Village: 30th August
UWI Life Prime: 1st September
- Know Your Library
(Library orientation events)
International Relations: 3rd September
Medical Sciences Library: 3rd-7th September
Alma Jordan Library: 3rd-15th September
- UWI Guild Fest
(The Guild of Students orientation events) 3rd-8th September
- Health & Well-Being
(Health Services Unit Orientation Workshops) Throughout Semester I
- UWI Clicks
September 12, Sept 14 & Sept 15 & Semester II
- The Postgraduate Experience
September 19 & October 10
- Study Skills
September 20 & November 22 & Semester II
- Career Seminars
September 27, Oct 4, Oct 11 & Oct 18
- Orientation for exchange students
January 21, 2013
- Service Learning Seminar
March 14, 2013
August-September, 2012
UWI St. Augustine Campus
UWI welcomes new students with its annual orientation programme. Themed MY UWI L.I.F.E. this 3-day series motivates new students to Learn, Imagine, Focus and Engage.
- Wednesday 29th August
UWI Life Support for parents, guardians, spouses of first-year undergraduate and postgraduate students ONLY
- Thursday 30th August
UWI Life Student for first-year, full-time undergraduate students ONLY
- Saturday 1st September
UWI Life Prime for first year part-time, evening, mature undergraduate students and first-year postgraduate students ONLY
For more information on UWI Life 2012 and orientation activities:
Log on to: www.sta.uwi.edu/uwilife
Join: UWI St. Augustine on Facebook
Email: uwilife@sta.uwi.edu
UWI St. Augustine Graduation 2012
25-27 October, 2012
UWI St Augustine Campus
Thursday 25th October, 2012:
- 10 am – STRICTLY for graduands of the Faculty of Science & Agriculture/Pure & Applied Sciences
- 4 pm – STRICTLY for graduands of the Faculties of Engineering & Law
Friday 26th October, 2012:
- 10 am – STRICTLY for Undergraduate graduands of the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS) with surnames beginning with the letters A-L and graduands of the Arthur Lok Jack Graduate School of Business (ALJGSB)
- 4 pm – STRICTLY for FSS Undergraduate graduands with surnames beginning with the letters M-Z and Postgraduate graduands from the Departments of Management Studies, Economics, Behavioural Sciences, Institute of International Relations, Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social & Economics Studies and the Institute of Gender & Development Studies
Saturday 27th October, 2012:
- 10 am – STRICTLY for graduands of the Faculty of Humanities and Education
- 4 pm – STRICTLY for graduands of the Faculty of Medical Sciences
For further information, please contact Examinations at 662-2002 ext 82155 or 83008. |