June 2009

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Higher Learning Fees

Tuition fees for academic programmes for 2009-2010 were confirmed at the recent meeting of the University Council.

For the Mona Campus an across-the-board increase of 10% (including the Faculty of Medical Sciences) over the fees for the current academic year was approved. At the Cave Hill and St Augustine Campuses, tuition fees remained unchanged due to significant increases in enrolment at those campuses.

Tuition fees for the Open Campus which are calculated on a credit hour basis remained unchanged at US$240 per three-credit course at the Undergraduate level and US$550 per course for Graduate programmes. The tuition fees recommended for self-financed programmes on all four campuses were also endorsed by Council.

As a result of those decisions, students entering the Faculties of the Humanities & Education, the Social Sciences, the Pure & Applied Sciences and the Department of Advanced Nursing at Mona will pay a flat fee of J$184,717 in academic year 2009/2010 (compared to J$167,925 this year). Students entering the Faculty of Law will pay J$201,011 (compared with J$182,737), while for the Faculty of Medical Sciences, returning Pre-Clinical students will pay J$309,214 and Clinical students J$589,109. The merged fee of J$444,574 is applicable to new Medical students entering the Faculty for the first time.