March 2012

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Message from the Principal: Do Take a Closer Look

We’ve just come to the end of the reporting period for 2010-2011 at the St. Augustine Campus and in just two days our Campus Council will meet to review the year and plan for the next. The Campus Council functions practically as a board of directors does for a corporation, and at this meeting, we are required to present our Annual Report and our Audited Financial Statements for 2010/11 for discussion with key stakeholders in the public and private sectors as well as the regional UWI.

The year under review added many dimensions to the Campus – some of which are described on the following page – and was not without its challenges. From broad external factors such as the national, regional and international financial climate to those more specific to the management of tertiary level institutions; we’ve weathered many changes. They have been instructive in shaping how we perceive and plan for the future.

We set our sights on a few key areas of development: Responsibility, Responsiveness, Relevance and Impact and Repositioning, and these broad frames have been a guide to our development.

It is reflected in the financial prudence we applied to campus management. It is reflected in our efforts to respond to the calls for greater access and to expand our presence and offerings to a wider group, especially at the post-graduate level. It is reflected in the nature of the research that has been conducted, in diabetes, for instance, that answers to a growing malaise in Caribbean society that has dire repercussions for the region’s health and human resources. It is there in the repositioning of key offices to intensify their focus and impact, such as the transformation of the Business Development Office to the Research Development and Knowledge Transfer Office and the International Office becoming the Office of Institutional Advancement and Internationalisation. It is there in working towards the creation of a Faculty of Law, a Faculty of Food and Agriculture and a Faculty of Science and Technology to continue to enhance quality through institutional accreditation by ACTT and programme accreditation through various international and regional bodies.

It is there in many different things we accomplished over the past year, many of which may have passed under the radar of the general public. This is why we urge you to take a closer look, and to discover or perhaps, re-discover the many ways in which your university, the UWI St. Augustine Campus, is continuing to build on its 52-year-old tradition of academic excellence and to shape national and regional development for the future.

Clement K. Sankat
Pro Vice Chancellor & Principal


Campus Principal: Professor Clement Sankat
Director of Marketing and Communications: Mrs. Dawn-Marie De Four-Gill
Editor: Ms. Vaneisa Baksh

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The UWI Marketing and Communications Office
Tel: (868) 662-2002 exts. 82013, 82014