May - June 2008

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Campus Notes
Principal Confirmed
The recommendations of the Vice Chancellor to appoint Deputy Principals
for the three sister campuses were also approved. The St Augustine
Campus will see the appointment of Professor Rhoda Reddock, in
succession to Professor Gurmohan Kochhar who will continue as Professor
in Mechanical Engineering in the Faculty of Engineering. Professor
Reddock is head of the Centre for Gender and Development Studies at St
Augustine and is well known for her activism in the Women’s Movement in
the Caribbean and beyond. At Cave Hill, Professor Eudine Barriteau,
noted scholar of Gender Studies, received the nod as Deputy Principal,
succeeding Professor Leo Moseley when he retires at the end of the
academic year. For the Mona Campus, Mr Joseph Pereira will continue in
the post of Deputy Principal. Photo (left) Professor Clement Sankat
(right) Professor Rhoda Reddock.
The University Council, which is the supreme governing body has also
approved the appointment of several senior managers. The newly
established Open Campus, which incorporates the former outreach arms of
the University, namely, the School of Continuing Studies, the Distance
Education Centre and the Tertiary Level Institutions Unit, will be
headed by Principal, Pro Vice Chancellor Hazel Simmons-McDonald.
Professor Simmons-McDonald was formerly Dean of the Faulty of Humanities
and Education at the Cave Hill Campus and has been working assiduously
to bring the Open Campus to reality since her appointment as Pro Vice
Chancellor for ‘Non-Campus Countries and Distance Education’ in
succession to Professor Lawrence Carrington. Professor Simmons-McDonald
will be assisted in the leadership of this new endeavour by Dr Vivienne
Roberts in the position of Deputy Principal.
Examining the Caribbean Labour Market
In recognition of the Year of Sir Arthur Lewis, the Faculty of Social
Sciences hosted a distinguished lecture by Professor Andrew Downes, on
Tuesday 13th May at the Learning Resource Centre (LRC). Professor Downes
examined “Arthur Lewis and the Caribbean Labour Market Analysis”.
A distinguished Caribbean Scholar who is qualified to speak on this
topic since labour and employment issues have occupied a substantial
part of his professional life, Professor Downes has been Director of the
Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of Social and Economic Studies at the UWI
Cave Hill Campus since 1994 and University Director since 2000. He holds
a BSc. and MSc degrees in Economics from the UWI and a PhD from the
University of Manchester. He is a recipient of several academic awards,
including the Vice Chancellor’s Award for Excellence.
Sir Arthur Lewis is the only son of the Caribbean to be awarded a Nobel
Prize in the field of Economics. He was also the first Vice Chancellor
of a fully independent University of the West Indies. This lecture is
the fourth in a series of Distinguished Lectures being organized by the
Faculty of Social Sciences of the St Augustine Campus, in collaboration
with the Department of Economics and the Sir Arthur Lewis Institute of
Social and Economic Studies, to commemorate the Year of Sir Arthur
Laboratory Launched
A modern Usability Laboratory was recently opened on May 9th at the Sir
Frank Stockdale Building, Faculty of Science and Agriculture. This
state-of-the-art facility will serve as the foremost usability resource
in the Caribbean for promoting practices both within the public and
private sectors. The Laboratory will provide usability testing
facilities, resources and services including user-centered design and
evaluation of ICT systems and industrial products. The Laboratory will
also offer training in usability. Speakers at the launch including Prof.
Clement Sankat, PVC & Campus Principal, UWI, St. Augustine, Prof. Dyer
Narinesingh, Dean, Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Dr. Shanaz Wahid,
Head, Dept., Math & Computer Science and Dr. Alexander Nikov Lecturer,
Dept., Math & Computer Science, spoke of the many benefits this lab will
bring to stakeholders. Usability studies will be carried out on various
types of products such as web-based and desktop interactive systems as
well as on large and small hardware devices, including mobile
technology. The Laboratory will help to develop cutting edge products by
focusing on positive user-experiences.
For further information, please contact Ms. Indira Ousman at (868)
662-2002 Ext. 3903or Indira.
UWI Student Honord for Spider Research
Jo-Anne Nina Sewlal a PhD student at the UWI Department of Life Sciences
at St. Augustine was recently awarded the Vincent Roth Award from the
American Arachnology Society. This is the third time she has received
this award which sets an historic record for the society. This award is
open to young arachnologists all over the world and supports research in
the area of systematics. She was also awarded another post graduate
scholarship for the 2nd year of her PhD research on orb-weaving spider
families of Trinidad. A UWI graduate, she received Bachelor of Science
and Mphil degrees in zoology. She decided to focus on the area of
arachnology while pursuing a Master’s Degree, where she looked at spider
behaviour and autecology. Sewlal’s goal is to document the spiders of
the Eastern Caribbean; she has researched spider fauna found on several
Caribbean islands including Nevis, Anguilla, Grenada, St. Maarten and
St. Vincent.