May - June 2008

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Passing the Baton : New Deputy Principal appointed
In 1972, a young graduate Engineering student from India came to
Trinidad for a holiday. He took this opportunity to visit a UWI
Professor to gain more information in the field of solar energy. Little
did Gurmohan Kochhar know that he would spend the next 36 years helping
to develop the very same Campus he thought o beautiful and lush on his
first visit.
Although he did live for a brief time abroad, consulting in Canada from
1976-79 and being promoted quite rapidly; he decided to return to
Trinidad, get married and start a family, all the while lecturing at UWI.
In a few years he would be promoted to the Dean of Engineering and then
on 1st August 2002, Deputy Campus Principal. This year he will hand-over
the baton to Professor Rhoda Reddock, a highly respected lecturer and
current Head of the UWI Centre for Gender Development Studies (CGDS).
Professor Kochhar has left an indelible mark as Deputy Principal of the
St Augustine Campus- having acquired a reputation for straight talk,
being results oriented and having a progressive policy with students.
“I have an open door policy,” he explained recently. “Staff have to make
an appointment but students can walk right in.”
And over the years the students have done just that – walked, talked,
marched and rallied. For the Professor it’s been worth the long hours
and hard work. Interestingly, he has continued to lecture, supervise MSc
projects and even moderate over 20 final year projects.
“It has been most rewarding and fulfilling. And the best feeling you get
is when you see a distressed student leave your office with a smile on
[his or her] face,” he explained recently.
He has also been instrumental in developing policies, programmes and
facilities on Campus to better accommodate the needs of students. One
major initiative is the World of Work (W.O.W.) Programme, which as
Chairman he has worked closely with the Student Services Office,
Marketing and Communications Office, Alumni Association (T&T chapter)
and Student Guild to develop in scope and size. W.O.W. helps students to
meet the challenges of crossing over to the working world. The W.O.W.
programme is sponsored by UWI and Republic Bank Limited.
The latest initiative is the on-line job availability launch, which
allows employers and students to benefit from a modern recruitment
facility. “The monies generated [from this] would go to supporting
students…through hardship loans and grants…” the Professor explained.
He has also been instrumental in several areas including as Chairman of
the highly successful Vice Chancellor’s cricket match held at the Campus
over three years ago. The landmark event saw thousands converge on the
UWI Sport and Physical Education centre’s grounds, including
international media, to be entertained by world class cricketers.
Collaborating with Campus Principals Professor Clement Sankat, Professor
Bridget Brereton and Dr. Bhoendradatt Tewarie as well as other key
administrators, Professor Kochhar has also been integral to the
enhancement process of facilities at the St Augustine Campus for
students and staff: including revamping the now air-conditioned food
court; the establishment of a travel agency, Digicel and B-Mobile
outlets; as well as the installation of a recreational centre and
cafeteria for those students at the Mount Hope Medical Sciences Complex.
He has also worked tirelessly to reduce the crime rate on Campus by
collaborating closely with Director Wayne Richardson and members of the
Security Committee; and has been key to the introduction of
co-curricular credits for students. He adds that “on my watch” there was
the opening of the Academic Advising and Disability Units. He has also
chaired the negotiation panels with the union, WIGUT. Currently, he
looks forward to continuing his teaching and research activities,
leaving a legacy that will undoubtedly be built upon by his successor.