November 2016

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The International Caribbean Conference – The Caribbean, Melting Pot of the Americas: From Upheaval and “Origins” to the Historical Future and its Representations took place on the St Augustine campus in mid-October and featured renowned Martiniquean-born, Patrick Chamoiseau, one of the authors of the ground-breaking book Éloge de la Créolité (In Praise of Creoleness).

The ideology highlighted in this work, “Our History is a braid of histories,” was examined in the three days of proceedings that was hosted by the Department of Modern Languages and Linguistics (DMLL ), together with Bordeaux Montaigne University and Limoges University.

Alongside Chamoiseau was renowned, local writer Earl Lovelace and Professor J. Michael Dash, Professor of French, Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. Professor Dash is also former Professor of Francophone Literature and Chair of Modern Languages at The UWI Mona Campus.