September 2017

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“This is my Mother’s Day gift,” some participants said when they attended the MatheMagic Workshop at The UWI School of Education on May 13, the day before Mother’s Day. Now where in the world do you hear teachers going to study mathematics and considering it a treat for Mother’s Day? It happened when 95 participants attended the second workshop hosted by the Early Childhood Caravan earlier this year. The Early Childhood Caravan is a group of professionals dedicated to supporting children’s development and learning through activities that promote developmentally appropriate early childhood practices throughout Trinidad and Tobago. The MatheMagic workshop facilitated the study of current understandings and strategies for teaching mathematics to young children. Participants engaged in activities that introduced teaching pre-algebra, statistics and geometry as well as numbers, measurement and other topics to 3-8 year-old students.

The workshop accommodated both pre-school and primary school teachers from across the country. In keeping with high quality, early childhood practices, parents and school administrators also attended. Participants shared their experiences and exchanged ideas for improving mathematics teaching locally. Facilitators listened and took notes even as they shared strategies that work.

The workshop opened with a feature explaining that math is more than counting and numbers. For example, the importance of providing opportunities for young students to think logically, spot patterns and problem solve was discussed. Teachers and parents were encouraged to examine their own math biases, especially since to succeed, children need knowledgeable teachers and adults who believe that all children can learn. Participants got new hope when they were introduced to brain research that explained how the adult brain can be rewired to make new neural connections and think new thoughts which could lead to new math successes.

Participants left with certificates of participation, handouts, and links to online resources. Guided by survey responses, the Caravan’s science workshop is next. “Early Science for 21st Century Success”, is planned for October 14, 2017 at The UWI School of Education.