Kristian and Stephan Baggan
are not the type of twins who dress alike or finish each other’s
sentences. They may wear the same clothes for an occasional prank but these 26-year-
old identical twins have each shaped their own individual identities. Throughout their
childhood, their parents fostered their distinctiveness by encouraging them to be different
and though they attended the same schools, they were always in separate classes. Despite
their differences, the pair share their aspirations. They are both graduates of the Bachelor
of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery programme and both intend to specialise in surgery.
This identical goal to become medical practitioners is not by chance but due to the
experience of their father, who is a doctor in the field of family medicine.
“When we were growing up, seeing how our dad helped people and howmuch better he
made me feel anytime I was ill, inspired me to want to do the same for others and Stephan
came to feel the same way as well,” Kristian explained.
The Baggan twins entered theMBBS programme in 2009 and admit that the journey was
very challenging at times.They confessed laughingly that being twins did have its advantages.
“Being in school together meant that we both knew what the other was going through,
we were both able to understand what the other needed to focus on and we were able to
push and motivate each other every step of the way,” Stephan said.
Kristian and Stephan are currently interns at the Port of Spain General Hospital and
upon completion of the one year internship hope to specialise in surgery. It is evident that
through teamwork and acting as support systems for each other, the “Baggan Boys” have
been able to overcome the obstacles they faced over their course of study. Speaking on
advice they would share with current students of the university, both Kristian and Stephan
agree students should aspire to be the best in their field of study. “Do not make excuses,
stay focused on the end goal and make your degree a quality degree for you.”
On October 23, Norman Sabga,
the Chairman and Chief Executive of the ANSA
McAL Group of Companies, accepted his Honorary Doctor of Laws degree from The
UWI Chancellor, Sir George Alleyne. Seven years ago at the Campus’ 1998 Graduation
Ceremonies his father, Anthony N. Sabga, had tipped his cap in the same manner and
received the same Honorary Degree. The Sabga duo will go down in history as the first
father and son pair to receive Honorary Doctorates from the University.
When asked to describe how his father had inspired him, Norman Sabga repeated the
words of wisdom that the elder Sabga has long uttered: “Find a job that you love and you
will never have to work a day in your life.” Anthony Sabga, or ‘Dr. Sabga’ as he is called,
is responsible for laying the foundation that the ANSA McAL empire stands on today, a
foundation that has allowed their businesses and brands to gain international acclaim.
The similarities between the father and son duo don’t only end with their milestone
achievements from The UWI, the pair also share similar traits when it comes to business
acumen. Sabga has described the decision making style and entrepreneurship culture that
he shares with his father. Their shared desire for continuous improvement has become a
hallmark of ANSA McAL.
While delivering a special address at the Graduation Ceremony, Sabga shared some
inspiring words with those in attendance. The man who is known for his prowess in his
industry highlighted three core things, which he encouraged the graduates to keep near
and dear in all their pursuits: faith, family and love.
Kristian and Stephan Baggan became doctors together.
The brotherhood of
the Baggans
Like father,
like son