UWI Today November 2016 - page 15

Dr Jerome Teelucksingh is a lecturer in the History Department on the St. Augustine campus. His research interests include trade unionism,
Caribbean migration, Black Power, Indo-Trinidadian culture, Pan-Africanism and institutional influences on Caribbean identity.
Seeing Invisible Men and Boys
b y J e r o m e T e e l u c k s i n g h
The revival of the observance
of International Men’s Day in
Trinidad and Tobago signaled a crucial phase of the global
men’s movement. From 1999, International Men’s Day was
revamped to build a movement and ideology that would
promote peace, resolve disputes and transcend the growing
gender gap. The annual observance of International Men’s Day
on 19 November indicates a genuine concern for the numerous
problems plaguing families and the rest of society. The global
support reflects the widespread willingness to build a society
which aspires towards peace and produce a more tolerant and
understanding future generation.
The focus of International Men’s Day is not restricted
to men, but includes boys, women, teenagers and children.
The underlying message is that ongoing conflict among men,
women and children must cease and the healing must begin.
The observances of International Men’s Day are part of a global
non-violent revolution. It is annually observed by persons who
support the ongoing effort to improve lives, heal scarred lives,
seek solutions to social problems, heal the seemingly irreparable
troubled minds, help the dysfunctional, promote positive
role models in society and develop wholesome individuals.
Such developments are badly needed in today’s wounded
communities which reflect distorted and outdated beliefs and
constant clashes among men, women and children which
unravels the fabric of the family and the society.
Annual themes and topics focused on health, gender
relations and fatherhood. Also discussed are themes relating
to gender inequality, religion, class, violence, ethnicity, poverty,
environmental protection and nationalism.
Men’s organisations, anti-war groups, peace organisations,
women’s groups, gender departments at universities, politicians
and individuals from all walks of life have annually celebrated
International Men’s Day. One illustration is the decision
in 2010 to have observances among prisoners throughout
the world and the selection of Carry Greaves, in 2012 as an
Empowerment Coordinator. Greaves, a father, is incarcerated
at a correctional facility in New York in the United States.
Undoubtedly, International Men’s Day has transcended
language barriers, geographical boundaries, political ideology
and religious differences. Furthermore, International Men’s Day
observances are not restricted to any particular class, gender,
age and occupation.
In 2013, the Institute for Gender andDevelopment Studies,
(IGDS) Mona Unit, (in Jamaica) issued a press release as it
joined the rest of the world in observing International Men’s
Day, “We salute all male rolemodels onThe UWIMona campus
as students and staff, and urge The UWI family to collaborate
in changing unequal gender relations that undermine the
health and safety of both males and females. We encourage
the UWI Mona family to: build partnerships based on mutual
respect, human rights, gender equality; change attitudes and
behaviours in order to eliminate all forms of discrimination and
violence; increase male participation in education, and support
implementation of international human rights commitments,
Jamaica’s National Policy for Gender Equality as well as The
UWI’s Gender Policy and Gender Action Plan.” Such bold
statements are relevant for the present and future.
The six objectives of International Men’s Day represent
the core of a dynamic movement and way of life which seeks
peace, encourages more understanding and urges greater
tolerance. The first objective is to promote positive male
role models particularly working class men who are living
decent and honest lives. Secondly, to celebrate men’s positive
contributions to society, community, family, marriage, child
care, and preservation of the environment. Thirdly,
to focus
on men’s health including their social, emotional, physical
and spiritual well-being. Fourthly, to highlight discrimination
against men such as in court cases which do not consider the
role of a father in the upbringing of his daughter or son.The fifth
objective struck a chord among feminists - the improvement
of gender relations and promotion of gender equality.
International Men’s Day intends to create a safer and better
world; where people can be safe and grow to reach their full
A considerable number of feminists have welcomed the six
objectives of International Men’s Day. Interestingly, some of the
goals of feminists are similar to the six pillars of International
Men’s Day which include promoting gender equality.
International Men’s Day is unique in that some of its
greatest promoters and supporters are women. These women
include Diane Sears of the United States who serves as
the International Men’s Day Coordinator, Chair of the United
States 2012-2022 International Men’s Day Ten Year Plan and
is a member of the International Men’s Day Coordination
Committee. Other dynamic women include Marie Clarence of
Hungary, Genevieve Twala of Botwsanawho is the International
Men’s Day coordinator of Africa, Nelcia Robinson-Marshall of
St. Vincent, Gabrielle Grant of Trinidad and Tobago who have
all realised the positive benefits International Men’s Day will
have on our families, neighborhoods, nations and the world.
Uma Challa of India, is part of the International Men’s Day
Coordination Committee in her country. Under her leadership,
last year India was extremely proactive in its observance for
International Men’s Day. An International Men’s Day Flash
Mob was organised with men and boys dancing in the streets,
a video of a famous female Indian actress who talked about the
importance of men and International Men’s Day was produced
and uploaded to the Internet. Other women around the world,
who support International Men’s Day, have proven to be
visionaries and have been a tremendous asset to the global men’s
movement. International Men’s Day promotes constructive
dialogue between both sexes for greater understanding and
tolerance. Additionally, the promoters of this day hope it will
help reduce the polarisation between the men’s movement and
the women’s movement.
Indeed, International Men’s Day highlights the common
bonds of humanity. Those persons supporting International
Men’s Day seek to restore the dignity and respect among
members of the human family. The supporters, coordinators
and participants have been trying to offer different perspectives
and new ideas for the leader and supporters. The movement
has embraced all persons and is not interested in creating or
propagating problems and promoting divisions.
International Men’s Day is gradually generating support
that will be a wake-up call for the media and contribute
to men and women being portrayed as honest, decent and
morally upright, only then would there be a chance for real
and permanent change. This men’s movement must initiate
an era of enlightenment where dynamic, rational role models
will emerge with a mandate to positively transform our world.
Undoubtedly, the philosophy underlying International
Men’s Day is muchmore than optimistic thinking and rhetoric;
it is a way of life, a world view, an alternative peace model
designed so that the next generation will nurture and continue
to sow the seeds of tolerance, acceptance and harmony.
Imagine aworldwhere InternationalMen’s Day is observed
and internalised by the majority of persons. There probably
would be fewer incidents of such atrocities as rapes, domestic
violence, child abuse andmurders. International Men’s Day has
the potential to improve our lives, positively influencing those
who govern us and preserving our environment. International
Men’s Day intends to continue promoting a safer, better world
and be the voice for the victims of war, troubled souls, the
oppressed and the physically and mentally challenged.
Today, International Men’s Day is obser ved in
approximately eighty countries. The most recent country,
Uganda, officially joined the movement in September 2016.
Volunteers and well-wishers of International Men’s Day are
constantly devising strategies and creating a global community
that is more collaborative and less aggressive. International
Men’s Day is not a top-down movement limited to a few
persons. It has spread among the grassroots and maintained
its growth among communities. International Men’s Day has
sought to dismantle themany stereotypes associated withmales
and females. And, more importantly, IMDhas challenged those
who are unable to see the ‘invisible’ boys and men who are
positively contributing to our society.
Panel discussion held on 19 Nov, 2015 at Student Activity Centre, UWI.
photo: Michelle Roopnarine
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