UWI Today October 2016 - page 13

campus news
The UWI School of Nursing (UWISoN)
in partnership
with the SickKids-Caribbean Initiative (SCI) launched a
new Diploma in Paediatric Haematology/Oncology for
Registered Nurses mid-September. The launch took place
at the Academy of Nursing and Allied Health in El Dorado.
TheMinister of Health, the Honourable Terence Deyalsingh
delivered the feature address.
The diploma is a component of the SCI’s Enhancing
Capacity for Care in Paediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders
project, a five-year partnership with the SickKids Centre
for Global Child Health in Toronto, The UWI, Ministries
of Health, and hospitals in six Caribbean countries. The
overall goal of the initiative is to enhance the diagnosis and
care of children with cancer and blood disorders in the SCI
partner countries, and the Caribbean region.
Director of UWISoN, Dr Oscar Noel Ocho said,
“This programme targets registered nurses working in
paediatric wards. It is the only programme of its kind in
the Caribbean that seeks to build clinical competence of
Nurses in Paediatric Haematology/Oncology. UWISoN
has been identified as the institution for the delivery of this
curriculumand this is a welcomed opportunity to transform
nursing education programmes through multi-sectoral
CARIBBEAN’S FIRST Diploma in Paediatric Haematology Launched
For further information on the diploma, please contact Shadiwsh Bailey at (868) 225-1026 ext. 3004. For more information about the SCI, please visit
Speakers and distinguished guests gather to capture the moment in time when The UWI School of Nursing (UWISoN)
and the SickKids-Caribbean Initiative (SCI) launched a new Diploma.
UWI St. Augustine
and Republic Bank Limited (RBL)
continue to prepare and equip students with the necessary
tools for succeeding in the World of Work (WOW) with
the recent unveiling of their plan for the 2016 WOW
The programme, which is over 20 years in existence,
has benefitted from a decade-long partnership with RBL.
Speaking at the event, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Campus
Principal of The UWI St. Augustine, Professor Brian
Copeland, thanked RBL for their continued commitment
to The UWI and its graduates. He also noted that there is a
reason why the programme has thrived for so long and has
grown substantially in content and participation. “It is the
recognition that success in the professional world and in
the area of entrepreneurship takes more than theory. Today
WOWattracts some 1,400 final year students and 1,000 first
and second year students,” he said.
Speaking on behalf of the bank, Executive Director,
Derwin Howell, reaffirmed the bank’s commitment to The
UWI in the pursuit of empowerment through education,
noting that both institutions have shared many successes
working together over the years. “Republic has made it one
of our biggest priorities to assist the University whenever,
wherever and however best we can,” Howell said.
The launch also featured a special presentation by noted
Criminologist, Criminal Psychologist, andMedia Specialist
Renee Cummings focusing on Social Media Etiquette for
The WOW programme consists of several parts: the
Seminar, ResumeWriting and Public SpeakingWorkshops,
Interview Preparation and Networking Theory, Mock
Interview Sessions and the Networking Cocktail Event,
all spread across the period October 2016 to March 2017,
culminating with the highly-anticipated Recruitment
Fair carded for April 6 and 7, 2017. WOW is also highly
anticipated by first and second year students who have the
opportunity for vacation employment with companies who
attend the Recruitment Fair. The precursor to the WOW
programme is the Career Advice Programme (CAP), which
helps first and second year students identify and embark on
their career paths.
For further information on the WOW programme,
log onto
WOW Launch: (L-R) Director of the Division of Student
Services and Development, Dr Deirdre Charles and feature
speaker, Renee Cummings.
Foundational concepts in paediatric nursing, paediatric
haematology/oncology nursing care, and nursing leadership
will be covered throughout the programme. Grounded in
the “flipped classroom” philosophy, it will be delivered
using blended learningmethodologies including e-learning,
in-class workshops and clinical practicum. Successful
candidates will be awarded a Diploma in Paediatric
Haematology/OncologyNursing.The content of programme
for the first two cohorts will be jointly delivered by SickKids
educators and lecturers at UWISoN, with SCI sponsoring
14 students in each cohort. Students in the programme
come from the Caribbean territories where the SickKids-
Caribbean Initiative also runs.
2016 ‘WorldofWork’ Kicks off
Campus Principal Professor Copeland (l) and Derwin
Howell, Executive Director of Republic Bank Limited chat
just before the formalities begin.
A cross-section of attentive students at the packed SPEC auditorium
Renee Cummings, feature speaker, in the midst of delivering her
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