COCR 1034: Public Speaking and Voice Training: Finding a More Confident You

NO. OF CREDITS: Three (3)
LEVEL: One (1)
PREREQUISITES: Open to all Students from all Faculties except Communication Studies Majors and Minors (of the Faculty of Humanities and Education). No pre-requisites are required to undertake this course.



This course will train the student to give effective presentations in the classroom and in other professional circumstances. It also focuses on instilling and developing confidence in the student as a speaker both in public and private interactions. The student will also receive training that will assist in refining and improving his or her voice – this will be particularly centred on correct pronunciation, projection, diction, as well as control of tone and pitch. Finally, the student will learn and practice effective presentation techniques that can improve the quality of his or her performance in a wide variety of speaking situations.

Course assessment will include a mix of in-course assignments, presentations and workshops which will be conducted throughout the semester. In-course assessments sum to 100% of the students’ final grade and will result in the student either obtaining a pass / fail on final completion of all given assessments.



The goal of this course is to ensure that each student will learn the essentials of effective public speaking, and will develop a strong professional/speaking voice.


This course aims to:

  • Give students as much practical speaking experience as possible.
  • Empower students with speech confidence.
  • Reduce communication apprehension.
  • Equip students with speech outlining, topic selection, and delivery skills for the wide array of public speaking needs that they will have in their careers and in their personal circumstances.
  • Enable students to better critically analyse and evaluate their own and others’ speeches.
  • Help students develop strong listening skills and behaviours which will improve their ability as communicators and also assist them in being able to assimilate information quickly and sustainably.
  • Better develop persuasion, group communication, and interpersonal skills in students.
  • Assist students in integrating “best practice” into their public speaking performances.



Name: Roddy Batchasingh

Office Address and Phone: Room 307, FHE Building;


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