SPONSORS — Thank you!


Special thanks to Hazel Brown

Faculty of Social Sciences, The UWI, St. Augustine

Network of NGOS of Trinidad and Tobago for the Advancement of Women

Fund for Gender Equity Programme (Women's Transformational Political Leadership at
Local and National Levels in Trinidad and Tobago)


Institute for Gender and Development Studies, St. Augustine Unit


Office of the United Nations Resident Coordinator


Emancipation Support Committee of Trinidad and Tobago


Office of the Deputy Principal, The UWI, St. Augustine


Network of Rural Women Producers Trinidad & Tobago


workingwomen (Women Working for Social Progress)


Tru Valu Supermarket, Diamond Vale


Individuals include:


Christine Arab

Roberta Clarke

Lynette Joseph-Brown

Patricia Mohammed



To support

Individuals, community groups, non governmental organisations and others interested in sponsoring or supporting the conference can contact Gabrielle Hosein or Sommer Hunte.

Gabrielle Hosein gabrielle.hosein@sta.uwi.edu

Sommer Hunte  sommer.hunte@sta.uwi.edu


Institute for Gender and Development Studies, St. Augustine Unit

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