BSc, MS, MSc, PhD
I am a social scientist with expertise and background that intersect at agricultural science, communication studies & international development. As an intrinsic and passionate leader I have worked in innovative, challenging, but rewarding career platforms. I was offered opportunities to utilize my capabilities of teaching, research, management of project, facilitation of multi-stakeholder platforms, and supporting problem-solving processes for inclusive agri-food systems, environmental and rural development change.
I find inspiration from following signature themes: Relator, Confidence, Belief, Integrity, Discipline, Hope and Achiever
External Position: Adjunct Professor, SEDRD, University of Guelph, Ontario
Undergraduate Courses
AGEX 3004: Communication for Professionals (UWI)
AGEX 2001: Operation and Management of Extension Program (UWI)
POLS 3320: Politics of Foreign Aid and Development (University of Guelph)
EDRD 3160: International Communication (University of Guelph)
EDRD 2020: Interpersonal Communication (University of Guelph)
CMST 2DD3: Media & Organization (McMaster University)
IDS 3303: Management Information Systems (Humber College)
Post-graduate Courses
AGEX 6002: Trends & Emerging Issues in Agricultural Extension (UWI)
POLS 6750: Development in Practice (University of Guelph)
Dr. Chowdhury participated in number of professional organizations and networks
Dr. Chowdhury contributed to number of scholarly activities such as, review of following professional, academic, research and scholarly work
Over the years, Dr. Chowdhury facilitated and coordinated number of research & development projects, curriculum development events, workshops, presentations and teaching materials development while based in Bangladesh, The Netherlands, Austria, Canada & Trinidad & Tobago. In his doctoral studies, he investigated innovative video-enabled learning approaches for the capacity development of small holders in Bangladesh. His doctoral work set an important departure point for research on video for development at the Centre for Development Research, BOKU, Vienna. Subsequently, several projects augmented this theme of research, for instance, two development projects in Bangladesh aimed at enabling collaborations among stakeholders of agricultural & rural development sectors and improving livelihoods of about 600 women farmers. The SSHRC post-doctoral work at the University of Guelph investigated use of social media in multi-stakeholder learning and collaboration in the agri-food and rural development sectors in Ontario. The SSHRC project attracted few other research projects in his home department at the University of Guelph. Recently, he contributed in developing a common framework for capacity building of an Agricultural Innovation System for tropical regions. The framework is being tested in eight countries in Africa (Angola, Burkina Faso, and Ethiopia), Asia (Bangladesh, Laos) and Central America (Guatemala, Honduras) as part of the EU funded initiative called Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation Systems. For more information on this framework please refer to
Dr. Chowdhury’s works draw on the following thematic areas. In the Caribbean and beyond, he is interested to explore topics related to these areas.
Advisory and outreach services, communication for environmental & social change, ICT and new media, pedagogical application of ICT, participatory action research, video for development, online data mining, social network analysis, qualitative & quantitative data analysis, inclusive innovation & agri-food system, climate change & complex adaptive management, livelihoods & governance, capacity development for women and youth, evaluation & impact assessment, facilitation of multi-stakeholder platform, seed system development, integrated pest management, food security
Journal Articles
Chowdhury, A.H., Helen Hambly, O., Thompson, S., Hauser, M. (2015). Enhancing Farmers' Capacity of botanical pesticide innovation through video-mediated learning in Bangladesh. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, online first, DOI: 10.1080/14735903.2014.997461.
Chowdhury, A. H., Hambly Odame, H., & Leeuwis, C. (2014). Transforming the Roles of a Public Extension Agency to Strengthen Innovation: Lessons from the National Agricultural Extension Project in Bangladesh. The journal of agricultural education and extension, 20(1), pp. 7-25.
Chowdhury, A. and Helen Hambly, O. (2013). Social media for enhancing innovation in agrifood and rural development: Current Dynamics in Ontario, Canada. Journal of Rural and Community Development, Vol 8(2): 97-113.
Chowdhury, A. H., Van Mele, P. and Hauser, M. (2011). Contribution of farmer-to-farmer video to capital assets building: Evidence from Bangladesh. Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, Vol 35 (4):408–435.
Chowdhury, A.H., Odame Hambly, H and Hauser, M (2010). With or without a script? Comparing two styles of participatory video on enhancing local seed innovation system in Bangladesh. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Vol 16 (4): 355-371
Hauser, M., Chowdhury, A. H., Peloschek, F. A., & Singh, S. J. (2010). Farmer participatory research: an approach to fostering community-led innovation in smallholder agriculture. Austrian Journal of Development Studies (Journal Für Entwicklungspolitik), Vol 26(4 ): 101-118.
Peer-Reviewed Book/Book Chapters/Global Notes
Tropical Agriculture Platform. (2015). Capacity for Change: A Framework for Capacity Development of Agricultural Innovation System (CD for AIS). Food And Agriculture Organization, Rome. (A global capacity development framework developed for Tropical Agriculture Platform)
Tropical Agriculture Platform. (2015). Capacity for Change: Capacity Development for Agricultural Innovation System. A Guidance Note on Operationalizing the TAP Common Framework on CD for AIS. Food And Agriculture Organization, Rome. (A global capacity development framework developed for Tropical Agriculture Platform)
Saravanan, R., Suchiradipta, B., Chowdhury, A., Hall, K., & Hambly Odame, H. (2015). Social Media for Rural Advisory Services. Note 15. GFRAS Good Practice Notes for Extension and Advisory Services. Lindau, Switzerland: GFRAS.
Bentley, J., Chowdhury, A., & David, S. (2015). Videos for Agricultural Extension. Note 6. GFRAS Good Practice Notes for Extension and Advisory Services. Lindau, Switzerland: GFRAS.
Sarker, M. A., Chowdhury, A. H., Miah, M. A. M., & Peloschek, F. A. (2014). Participatory Videos: A New Media for Promoting Organic Farming in Northern Bangladesh. In G. Rahman & U. Aksoy (Eds.), Building Organic Bridges (pp. 53-56). Istanbul: ISOFAR.
Chowdhury A.H. (2010). Having a System Does not Make a Home of It… A Case Study on the Institutions Building Process of an Agricultural Development Project in Bangladesh. Saarbrücken, Germany, Verlag Dr. Müller, pp. 168, (ISBN, 978-3-639-27648-0).
Chowdhury A.H. and Hauser, M. (2010). The potentials of moving pictures. Does participatory video enhance learning for local innovation? In. E. Coudel, H. Devautour, Soulard, C and B. Hubert (Eds.). Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Symposium Proceedings, CIRAD, INRA and Montpellier SupAgro, (ISBN 978-2-7380-1284-5).
Aktar, R., Chowdhury, A., Zakaria, A. K. M., & Vogl, C. R. (2010). Seed information and communication networks of male and female farmers: A micro level study in Bangladesh. In: I. Darnhofer & M. Grötzer (eds.), Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty. Vienna, Universität für Bodenkultur, pp. 760-769 (ISBN 978-3-200-01908-9).
Kummer, S., Aigelsperger, L., Milestead, R., Chowdhury, A. H., & Vogl, C. R. (2010). Knowledge systems, innovations and social learning in organic farming- An overview. In: I. Darnhofer & M. Grötzer (eds.), Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty. Vienna, Universität für Bodenkultur, pp. 664-669 (ISBN 978-3-200-01908-9).
Huque, M.M. and Chowdhury, A.H. (2006). Role of Women as Clients and Change Agents in Selected Areas of Development: Reflection from Empirical Evidence. In: Ullah M.M. and A. Islam (eds.). Gender and Human Resources for Health in South Asia: Challenges and Constraints. University Grants Commission (UGC), Dhaka and Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), Canada. Pp. 131-150 (ISBN 984-809-023-1).
Conference/Posters/Invited Sessions
Video & Training Materials
Preparation and Use of Poster, pp 5-6
Preparation and Use of Flash Cards, pp.7-8
Preparation and Delivery of a Lecture, pp. 12-14
Preparation of Questionnaires, pp. 36-39
Conducting a Case Study, pp. 41-43
Telephone number(s): +1-868-662-2002, ext.
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