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Senior Lecturer; Head of Department


I obtained my PhD in Nutrition from the Tropical Metabolism Research Unit UWI, Jamaica in 1997 following research on the impact of birth weight on cardiovascular reactivity in childhood and adolescence. In 2002, I obtained my Masters degree in Epidemiology from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, at University College of London (UCL). My research project focused on predictors of mortality in persons with small cell carcinomas in the UK.  My career goals include contributing to the prevention and reduction of non-communicable diseases regionally through the implementation of evidence-base and culturally appropriate interventions. I am also focusing on training the next generation of persons with appropriate skills for identifying and addressing important issues as they relate to non-communicable diseases regionally.



2002 - MSc Epidemiology: Principles and Practice, London School Hygiene and Tropical, UCL

1997 - PhD Nutrition (Human), Tropical Metabolism Research Unit, UWI, Mona

1992 - Postgraduate Diploma Nutrition (Human),Tropical Metabolism Research Unit, UWI, Mona

1988 - BSc (Hons.) Biology & Chemistry, UW I, Cave  Hill


2014 - Elected Member, World Public Health Nutrition Association

2011 - Elected Member, American Society for Nutrition

2010 - Fellow, World Cancer Research Fund Academy

2008 - Elected Member, American College of  Epidemiology

2002 -  Elected Member, Charted Biologist (CBiol),  Royal Society of Biology


  • Applied physiology
  • Nutrition
  • Epidemiology


My research focuses on a life-course approach to understanding issues related to chronic non-communicable diseases.  


  • Ramcharitar-Bourne A, Nichols SD, Badrie N. Predictive Utility of Anthropometric Based Cut-offs in Assessing Excess Adiposity among Preschool Children in a Multiethnic Population.  West Indian Med J (In Press) DOI:  10.7727/wimj.2015.485
  • Ramgoolie P, Nichols S. Ramgoolie P, Nichols S. Polypharmacy and the Risk of Malnutrition among Independently-living Elderly Persons in Trinidad amd Tobago. West Indian Med J 2015 May 15. doi: 10.7727/wimj.2014.285.
  • Joseph C , Nichols S. Patient satisfaction and quality of life among persons attending chronic disease clinics in South Trinidad. West Indian Med J 2007;56 (2): 107-113. 21- Citations
  • Ramcharitar-Bourne A, Nichols S, Badrie N. Correlates of adiposity in a Caribbean pre-school population. Public Health Nutr. 2014;17(8):1796-804. 
  • Nichols S, Cadogan F. Anthropometry and blood pressure changes in a Caribbean adolescent population of African ancestry: an evaluation of longitudinal data using a multilevel mixed regression approach. West Indian Med J. 2012;61(7):674-83. 
  • Nichols S. Crichlow H. An evaluation of the diagnostic utility of anthropometric and body composition cut-off values in assessing elevated fasting blood sugar and blood pressure. West Indian Med J.  2010; 59(3):254-258.  
  • Francis M,  Nichols SDS, Dalrymple N. The effects of a school-based intervention programme on dietary intakes and physical activity among primary school children in Trinidad and Tobago. Public Health Nutr.. 2010; 13(5):738-747. 
  • Nichols SDS,  Dookeran SS, Ragbir K, Dalrymple N. Body image perception and the risk of unhealthy behaviours among university student. West Indian Med J. 2009;58(5):465-71. 
  • Nichols S, Cadogan F.   BMI-based obesity cut-offs and excess adiposity in a Caribbean adolescent population of African origin Eur J Clin Nutr. 2009;63(2):253-8.
  • Burgin J, Nichols S, Dalrymple N. The nutritional status of clinic attendees living with HIV/AIDS in St. Vincent and the Grenadines. West Indian Med J 2008;57(5):438-443.  6- citation



Telephone number(s): 662-2002 ext 85364

Postal Address: Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension

                         Faculty of Food and Agriculture

                         The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine

                         Trinidad and Tobago, W.I.       

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