School of Education




The Caribbean Educational Research Information Service (CERIS) is a computerised information service that provides access to information on education in the English-speaking Caribbean. It was established in October 1990 by the School of Education [then Faculty of Education] as one method of dealing with some of the obstacles to educational research and the development of sound educational plans and policies in the region. It was felt that these obstacles resulted from the absence of an organised, accessible database for the use of educators and researchers in the region. CERIS also provides editorial services to the School of Education (SOE) and is responsible for the publication of all documents bearing the imprint of the School of Education, including the journal, Caribbean Curriculum, the Monograph Series, and the Technical Reports Series, as well as bibliographical publications bearing the CERIS imprint. The services of CERIS are available to: (a) staff and students of all tertiary institutions in the Caribbean engaged in research on the education systems of the region; (b) researchers, planners, and policy makers of the ministries of education in the region; (c) private researchers in the region; (d) educational practitioners in the region; and (e) all other persons and institutions interested in the development of the education systems of the English-speaking Caribbean.


An information service with a national, regional, and international reputation for excellence in bibliographical, editorial, and publication services.


CERIS will, through the development of its online bibliographical services and publication programme, contribute to the acquisition, storage, and dissemination of information on the development of the education systems of the English-speaking Caribbean.


Ms. Petronetta Pierre-Robertson (Documentalist/Indexer)
Email:; Tel (868) 662-2002 ext.83336

Ms. Melissa Campbell (Library Assistant)
Email:; Tel (868) 662-2002 ext. 84048


Document Supply. CERIS acquires copies of documents on education and training in the English-speaking Caribbean, including official policy documents, research reports, conference papers, journal articles, essays in collected works, monographs, and theses in dissertations in print and, digital formats.

Database Access. CERIS provides online access to three of its databases:

Caribbean Education Bibliographic Database [CEDBIB] – a bibliographic database providing references, varying levels of bibliographic information, and many detailed abstracts of a variety of documents on education and training in the English-speaking Caribbean

Virtual Library (CVTLIB) – a full-text database of documents on education in the English-speaking Caribbean

M.Ed. Studies Database [MEDPRA] – a bibliographic database of studies done by M.Ed. students of the School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, which received an “A” grade

The databases can be accessed at  as well as

Institutional Archiving. CERIS has established a School of Education Community in UWISpace, which so far has defined five collections:

1.  Academic Research – This collection has the following sub-collections: i. Conference Papers and Proceedings ii. Published Papers iii. SOE Publications

2.  Student Research – This collection was started in April 2012 with records from the M.Ed. programme, and is split into two collections, i) M.Ed. Abstracts ii) M.Ed. Full Text

3.  Administrative Records – Access to most of this collection is restricted to staff of the School of Education. The SOE archives can be accessed at

4.  Faculty pages:  This collection contains select publications of faculty of the School of Education.  It is managed by individual faculty members who are responsible for uploading to their individual pages.

5.  Outreach Lectures: This community was recently established in 2023 to house the proceedings of outreach lectures hosted by the School of Education, St Augustine.  The first lecture is carded for April 2023.

Publications: CERIS seeks to disseminate the results of research on education in the region through the publication of monographs and technical reports by staff of the School of Education and an annual journal, Caribbean Curriculum. Caribbean Curriculum is an annual peer-reviewed journal of the School of Education, The University of the West Indies (UWI), St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago. It provides a forum for the publication of scholarly articles on the education systems of the English-speaking Caribbean written by scholars both within and outside the region. The last print issue of the journal (vol. 23) was published in June 2015. The journal is now an open access online journal and its archives and information on the journal and its editorial processes can be found at  The Monograph Series disseminates information on the results of research conducted by members of staff of the School of Education. The Technical Report Series disseminates information of a practical nature to the education fraternity in the region. It publishes manuals or other guides, as distinct from results of research.

Information Literacy Services: CERIS supports the provision of information literacy (IL) services to students of the School of Education both in the classroom and through the provision of online Library Guides (LibGuides). Three online guides are currently hosted on the Alma Jordan Library website:

Guide to finding information available at

Guide to the Research Process available at

The Literature Review available at

Academic Integrity (AI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) available at:

Additional Library Guides by CERIS include:

Guide to CERIS:

Guide to Caribbean Curriculum Journal: