School of Education

Dr. Stephen Geofroy


St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago


Dr. Geofroy is a Lecturer in Educational Foundations/Teacher Education with focus in the Philosophy of Education. A graduate of The University of The West Indies (UWI) and the Catholic University of Louvain (KUL), Belgium, Dr. Geofroy lectures in the following courses: Cultural Diversity, Citizenship and Schooling I (EDFA 2401), Cultural Diversity, Citizenship and Schooling II (EDFA 2402), Education and the Challenge of Human Development (EDFA 3201). At the Post Graduate level he lectures in: Foundations of Education (EDFA 5210), The Teaching of Social Studies (EDSS5280), The Practice of Education (EDTL 5230), The Health & Human Relationships Knowledge Base (HEPR 6001) and Education and the Development of Social Competencies (EDFA6207). His M. Phil. Thesis was on Curriculum Development & Philosophy Teaching and his PhD thesis on Masculinity & Schooling in contemporary Trinidad. His research interests lie in the areas of teaching & learning, teacher education, philosophy, gender, social studies and religion.

Link to Dr Geofroy's Research page

Lecturer in Social Sciences
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002/83341