School of Education

Dr. Shamin Renwick

Senior Librarian II

St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago


Dr. Shamin Renwick, currently a Senior Librarian II in charge of the School of Education Library, is both an academic librarian and an information subject specialist (Science, Health, Education and Agricultural information). After a year as a high school teacher, she started her librarianship career with 12 years as a School Librarian before becoming an Academic Librarian at UWI St Augustine. She also did a stint as Director, Library Services at St. George’s University, Grenada.

Dr. Renwick holds a BSc Agriculture, an MPhil and a PhD in Agricultural Extension as well as a Master in Library and Information Science from UWI, St. Augustine and Mona Campuses. Her PhD thesis combined the disciplines of information science and agriculture focusing on the information experience of food security decision-makers in three Caribbean countries. She has published several refereed articles and edited works as well as facilitated presentations and workshops, regionally and internationally.

LinkedIn profile

Link to Dr. Renwick's Research Page

Senior Librarian II/Librarian lecturing in Information Literacy                                                           
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002/83338