School of Education

Dr. Sharon Jaggernauth


St. Augustine

Trinidad and Tobago


Dr. Sharon Jaggernauth is a Lecturer specializing in Mathematics Education at the School of Education, St. Augustine Campus. Working primarily with secondary school Mathematics teachers in the Diploma in Education (Dip. Ed.), she supervises their classroom-based action research projects (EDTL5230: Practice in Education) and classroom practice (EDMA5260: Teaching of Mathematics). In addition, she works with other teachers in EDFA5210: Foundations in Education and as a member of the Dip. Ed. Research Team facilitates lectures in research methods. In the Master of Education programme, she tutors students for EDRS6208 - Fundamentals of Educational Research I and supervises the research projects of teachers and other professionals in EDRS6900 – Research Project, whose interests include issues in Mathematics Education, Educational Technology, Pedagogy, and Assessment. In 2018 she was awarded the Certificate in University Teaching and Learning from the UWI Centre for Teaching and Learning.

Since 2005, she has taught EDMA1902 Mathematics for Primary Teachers and EDMA1721 Mathematics Appreciation in the Bachelor of Education programme. In 2009 she developed and taught the blended version of EDMA1721 Mathematics Appreciation, and followed in 2010 with the fully online version for the School of Education and the UWI Open Campus to teachers in various Caribbean islands. She has also taught the cross-faculty mathematics courses MATH1140 Basic Introductory Mathematics, MATH 2100 Abstract Algebra, and MATH2110 Linear Algebra at the School of Education. Her current research interests include teachers’ beliefs about their efficacy for teaching mathematics and how these beliefs are influenced by their involvement in professional development programmes, and the effect of integrating educational games in the teaching of mathematics on student learning. She was awarded best paper at the 2015 International Business & Education Conference in Maui, USA..

Link to Dr. Jaggernauth's Research page

Lecturer in Teaching of Mathematics
Tel/ext: (868)-662-2002/83901