With the launch of a new payment plan and financial clearance system – FEE Pay, The Bursary, Student Accounts and Receivables section of The UWI STA Campus has introduced the e-Courier Secure File Transfer Facility to facilitate online submission of documents.

All registration documents should be submitted to the Student Accounts & Receivables section using the links below:

  • To submit registration documents, click here.
  • To submit registration documents AFTER the due date for the final instalment, click here.

Important to note:

  1. All documents are to be submitted as ONE PDF file and re-named using            
              a. Student ID number
              b. Student's full name (first name and last name)
              c. Faculty (choose from: FMS, FSS, FST, FFA, FOL, FHE, FEN, ALJSB, AOS-Academy of Sport)

              Eg. 816000430SamPaulFSS 

  1. List of documents to be submitted.
              a. Signed Fee Assessment sheet 
              b. Signed e-GATE application form (where applicable) 
              c. Scholarship letter (where applicable) 
              d. Proof of payment (where applicable) 
                         i. Bank Deposit Slip (front and back)
                         ii.     Online Transfer
                         iii.     Wire Transfer Advice  
               e. Final Project/Thesis Submission receipt (where applicable)
               f. Approved Tuition Waiver forms
Downloadable Resources
Guide to submitting registration documents.  Click here.
Guide to submitting proof of late payments. Click here.