The university of the west indies at saint augustine

CETLinX Studio

Join us at our state-of-the-art studio in the Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning. Explore creativity, innovation, and collaboration like never before!

Faculty Café

Come check out our Faculty Cafe where educators can learn from each other’s experiences, discover new strategies for enhancing student learning, and stay updated on the latest trends and developments in education.


Don’t miss this opportunity to voice your thoughts and make a difference in the quality of education you receive. Take a few moments to complete the review and help us continue striving for excellence. Your responses are ANONYMOUS.

Teaching Awards

Step into the spotlight and celebrate excellence in teaching at the UWI/ Guardian Group Teaching Awards ceremony. Join us to honor outstanding educators who inspire and empower.

Laugh Out Loud

Join us for an unforgettable afternoon of comedy, camaraderie, games and artistic expression as we prioritize your mental and physical wellness.

The Caribbean Teaching Scholar Journal (CTS) is excited to announce its Call for Papers on the theme “Post-Pandemic Challenges and Opportunities in Higher Education.” We seek to explore the multifaceted landscape of education in the wake of the global pandemic.

Click for submission details and more information