Provision of a streaming video service based on the REAL client and server software. This runs on a pair of servers to provide a resilient service. Help, advice and tools are provided to upload video in suitable format onto the server. Supported formats are Real, Windows media and Flash. These servers also make content approved by Communications available via the iTunes U service.
CITS will:
- Keep the operating system on the streaming video servers up to date and apply security patches as needed.
- Protect information uploaded onto the live server by mirroring data overnight between the passive server and using the standard CITS backup service.
- Test updates to the streaming video server software prior to release in the production environment by introducing them to the passive server first.
- Give 10 working days notice of planned outages to the service. In emergencies this notice may be reduced.
- Provide advice about securing and controlling access to videos.
- Provide access using Active Directory groups to named individuals to allow upload of video materials.
- Give notice when performing system maintenance.
Customers will:
- Not upload inappropriate video materials, such as videos that might damage the University’s reputation.
- Ensure appropriate copyright permission has been obtained to use materials, if this is required .
- Remove materials once they are no longer needed.
- Request access to upload content via the CITS Service Desk.
- Inform CITS in advance of any critical use of the service e.g. use in examination, etc, to allow CITS time to ensure the service can be guaranteed for this period.