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The small economies of the Caribbean and other areas are grappling with the consequences of a global financial and economic meltdown of unprecedented proportions. These consequences include falling demand for traditional products like tourism, dwindling remittances and the accompanying intensification of negative social ills like unemployment, rising criminality, overburdened health and educational facilities and the like. Many small developing economies, in the Caribbean and elsewhere, are also facing serious threats from climate change, the accompanying rising sea levels and the increase in number and ferocity of storm surges. What are the options, given the limited policy space now available to these small economies? It is to answer questions like these that the SALISES is hosting a conference on the theme indicated.  Participation is open to scholars, policy makers, graduate students, professionals and all persons interested in the burning issues associated with this theme.

Papers and panels are invited on the following topics:

  1. Constitutional reform, governance, democracy and development.
  2. Migration and return migration in development and underdevelopment.
  3. Development and maintenance of social capital as a survival strategy
  4. Innovation and entrepreneurship as developmental platforms.
  5. Disaster preparedness
  6. The environment: coastlines, fisheries, sustainable development.
  7. Climate change and small states
  8. Finance, offshore banking and investment in the new international economic order
  9. Fostering productivity, efficiency and international competitiveness
  10. Crime, violence, repatriated criminals and regional security
  11. The HIV/AIDS Pandemic, Well-being and Lifestyle Challenges
  12. Issues in National and Regional Identity
  13. Tourism and eco-tourism
  14. Cultural industries in small states: copyright, piracy and technology
  15. Caribbean Manufacturing
  16. Vulnerable populations, social exclusion, poverty and inequality
  17. Gender, Health, ageing and disability
  18. Children and Youth
  19. Sport and Culture in the developmental process.
  20. Human Resources Development as a Survival Strategy
  21. Macroeconomic Management in Small States

Other topics related to the conference theme are welcome.

The Sir Arthur Lewis Distinguished Lecturer Series
The 2010 Sir Arthur Lewis Distinguished Lecturer will be Professor Robert Barro, Paul M. Warburg Professor of Economics, Harvard University. The lecture will be delivered on the evening of March 24, 2010.

Publication in Social and Economic Studies
A selection of papers will be considered for publication in a special issue of the peer-reviewed journal of the SALISES, Social and Economic Studies.

The deadline for submission of abstracts is December 1, 2009.
Authors of papers accepted for presentation at the conference will be notified by January 5, 2010.

The deadline for submission of full papers in PDF format is February 16, 2010.
Send abstracts of 200 words or less, or full papers (inclusive of abstracts), to:
Ms Francine Alleyne
University of the West Indies
St. Augustine
Trinidad & Tobago

Conference Fees
Academic                                            US$150.00
Students                                               US$ 50.00
Other (Corporate, Government etc.)    US$250.00

Limited funding (including waiver of fees) is available on a competitive basis, and on the receipt of acceptable full papers, to defray the cost of participation. Please apply in writing to Ms Francine Alleyne and attach CV.
Further details will soon be posted on the SALISES website at