
Panel One

Our purpose is to push the boundaries of Mediation by hearing from experts in the field about their experiences with creative Restorative Justice approaches to harm. Many are unaware of the Bail Boys’ project and how it transforms lives.

Grounded recommendations for replicating this project and for its application to mediating gang disputes, and to the type of support UWI can provide to Mediation Studies students, professionals and communities are anticipated.

Virtual presentations

Family and community violence in Mexico is mainly drug related. Professor Rosario Esteinou from the CIESAS  Mexico City will provide research findings on what works there.

Panel Two

The Ceasefire Project has interrupted gang violence and introduced gang mediation within communities. Speakers will explain what actually works and how mediating gang disputes may be established in communities. Confronting the challenges of the paradox of an “unforgiving culture and a too forgiving culture” and the role of the University of The West Indies in supporting the project will also be discussed.

 Mediation Studies intends to record and publish the proceedings as a small book with a DVD in the sleeve. This publication will be available to Police Stations, the Police Academy, Prison Academy and to government and non-government agencies as our contribution to promoting Community Justice during Restorative Justice Week 2011.

A Symposium Facebook page, to enable live streaming into communities in Trinidad, is planned. Information and registration is available at sta.uwi.edu. The Symposium is open to the public and free of charge.

Stay posted for other events during Restorative Justice week such as  Introductory training sessions on:

Victim/Offender Mediation by Dr. Harold Pepinsky, Indiana University.

Drug/Substance Abuse Awareness Training by Mr. Robert Payne Jr.

Preparing to Assist Traumatised Children by Ms Arlene Caines.