Call For Abstracts



Selection of papers will be based on scientific merit and relevance to the sporting
areas of the Caribbean.


This implies that all authors have approved the publication of the abstract, edited if
necessary, in Abstract Booklet. The email and mailing address ofthe corresponding
author MUST be included.




Your abstract must be NO MORE THAN 250 WORDS and MUST BE formatted as

  1. TITLE: In bold type. No abbreviations.
  2. AUTHORS: Begin on a new line two spaces below the title. Use italics. List
    initials for first names followed by surnames. Do not use full stops after
    initials. Please omit degrees and titles.
  3. INSTITUTION: Begin on a new line below the Authors. Use italics. List
    institute(s) where work originated, city, and country.
  4. EMAIL ADDRESS: Include in the next line.
  5. TEXT: Arrange under the following headings:
    • Objectives: State the main objective/research questions/hypothesis of
      the study.
    • Design, Methods or Approaches: Briefly describe the design of the
      study and how it was conducted indicating study population, sampling
      procedures, and measurements.
    • Summary of Content, Results or Findings: Present only the main
      results (in tabular form if convenient) with an indication of variability
      (e.g., SD) and precision of comparison (e.g., 95% confidence intervals),
      where appropriate. Promises, such as "the results will be discussedn or
      "other data will be presented" are inacceptable.
    • Conclusions: Limit to only those directly supported by the results or
  • Abstracts should be submitted by: October 31, 2015


Nutritional knowledge and attitudes of adolescent swimmers in Trinidad and


S Beckford, M Webb
Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Faculty of Food and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies- St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago



Objectives: To investigate the level of nutrition knowledge and attitude of
adolescent swimmers training competitively in Trinidad and Tobago.


Design and Methods: A self-administered questionnaire, which consisted of 21
nutrition knowledge and 11 attitude statements, was utilized to assess the level of
nutrition knowledge and attitude of adolescent swimmers. For the assessment of
nutrition knowledge, correct answers were given a score of "1 n and incorrect
answers were given a score of"O": For the evaluation of attitude towards nutrition, a
score ranging from "1-5" was assigned to each response, "Sn was given to the most
positive response and "1"was given to the most negative. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 21.0. ANOVA was used to compare nutrition knowledge and attitude
between sex, age, level of education, and number of nutrition classes attended.
Pearson correlation was used to evaluate the relationship between nutrition
knowledge and attitude.


Results: The sample comprised of 220 swimmers with a mean age of 14.56 ± 2.544.
The mean nutrition knowledge score was 1 0.97 ± 2.897 and mean attitude score
was 41.69 ± 6.215. Nutrition knowledge was positively and significantly related to
the number of reported nutrition sources (p = 0.005). Nutrition knowledge was
positively and significantly related to the attitude (p = 0.027).


Conclusions: Athletes lack nutrition knowledge but have a positive attitude
towards nutrition, which may indicate receptiveness to future nutrition education.



Abstracts should be submitted by: October 31, 2015
Email to

Receipt of submissions will be acknowledged. If you do not receive acknowledgement within five (5) days of submission, please contact the

Conference Secretariat at



If you need additional information or any clarification,please contact us at:


Conference Secretariat
Phone:(868) 662-2002 ext.83808